Sorry for the inconvenience in the test but, now Im looking and now it
seems to be working as expected ** head scratch here **

The client that is testing this also confirms it is working.

I have been checking the logs from 11:20 to 12:30 and I see entries
going to the second worker, but since then.. I just checked.. nothing,
zero to the second worker. (I had previously stop|started apache and
the module is even loaded from some other path to make sure I don't
confuse one for the other...)

El mar, 27 abr 2021 a las 12:55, Daniel Ferradal
(<>) escribió:
> Wow Yann,
> Thanks so much for taking the time.
> --Correction:
> When I said:
> >Is my approach correct? As with most initial approaches to a specific
> > scenario, this may very well be the case, which other approach do you
> > suggest?
> I really meant "Is my approach incorrect?" Trying to mean It is
> logical to assume things wrongly at first approach to a subject.
> -----
> I applied the patch and I'm already testing it.
> In a given configuration like:
> BalancerMember http://ip1:7009/ hcmethod=GET hcuri=/ping hcpasses=1
> hcfails=1 hcinterval=5 timeout=5 retry=30
> BalancerMember http://ip2:7009/ hcmethod=GET hcuri=/ping hcpasses=1
> hcfails=1 hcinterval=5 timeout=5 retry=30
> --
> The backend ip2:7009 always takes 6 seconds to reply to /ping uri for
> testing purposes.
> $ time curl -vk "http://ip2:7009/sites/ping";
> ...
> < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> ...
> * Connection #0 to host ip2 left intact
> * Closing connection #0
> {"response":{"name":"testAlive.owcs","time":6.006}}
> real    0m6.057s
> user    0m0.007s
> sys     0m0.002s
> With the patch applied I seem to see mod_health_hcheck saying that it
> is disabling the worker ip2 "sometimes" but not constantly, in a lapse
> of about 1 hour I've seen the message just 8 times:
> [Tue Apr 27 11:12:38.396687 2021] [proxy_hcheck:info] [pid 28713:tid
> 140079122761472] AH03303: Health check DISABLING http://ip2:port/
> Since the backend ip2 is configured to respond in 6 seconds all the
> times to that /ping URI (not the rest of normal uri). So
> mod_proxy_hcheck should be disabling this worker constantly. Am I
> correct?
> If you need more information or some specific logging do not hesitate to ask.
> Cheers
> El lun, 26 abr 2021 a las 22:51, Yann Ylavic (<>) 
> escribió:
> >
> > Hi Daniel,
> >
> > On Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 12:21 PM Daniel Ferradal <> 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Is my approach correct? As with most initial approaches to a specific
> > > scenario, this may very well be the case, which other approach do you
> > > suggest?
> >
> > I think that it's missing in the code but can't think of a workaround.
> > Does the attached patch working for you?
> >
> > Regards;
> > Yann.
> >
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> --
> Daniel Ferradal
> HTTPD Project
> #httpd help at Freenode

Daniel Ferradal
HTTPD Project
#httpd help at Freenode

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