On Mon, May 3, 2021 at 2:04 PM Hulio andres <hulioand...@usa.com> wrote:

> I am following the documents for 2.4.46 ->
> https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/
> The apache2  latest  version 2.4.46   directory structure is different
> from the debian using apt.
> From a configuration perspective they are different product.
> This is the first thing which is confusing me and confusing letsencrypt
> certbot  also .
> 2.4.46
> :/usr/local/apache2 $ ls > ls.out
> /usr/local/apache2 $ cat ls.out
> bin
> build
> cgi-bin
> conf
> docs
> error
> htdocs
> icons
> include
> lib
> logs
> ls.out
> man
> manual
> modules

Apache lets whoever performs the build define a "layout". Debian/Ubuntu go
above and beyond that with even more utilities and tooling.

You can assume that when a distros package is not nominally the same as the
latest that they are backporting security fixes.  This is how distros keep
stable software in support for years.

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