In my application  https://www.backbutton.org/
I placed the front end proxy server on the all new  64 Bit Rasperry Pi 4.
It is a wopping 64 bit  processor with 8GM Ram  running the on  linux  lsb_release Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
I used the ubuntu 64 bit OS rather than Raspberry Pi OS because  Raspberry Pi OS was pulling down a different version
of Ubuntu server Apache HTTPD , did not not include all the Ubuntu utilities.
I understand that when I startup the HTTPD using systemctl start apache2, it rises directly into RAM
occupying the massive 8 GM of volatile memory. Then it starts listening for urls in the I/O buffer.
I understand the HTTPD socket server with its text parser mod(s) performs quite fast when running in RAM.
I have tried out two different bits used talk to HTTPD  with the back  end business logic application server(s) .
The first bit  I used is the  mod_jk.
This is the bit which talks to each other
LoadModule    jk_module  path/to/mod_jk.so
AddModule     mod_jk.c
JkWorkersFile /path/to/httpd/conf/workers.properties

The second bit I used is called mod_proxy.
this is the bit which talks to each other
<VirtualHost backbutton.org:443>
<Proxy balancer://mycluster>

    ProxyPreserveHost On

    ProxyPass / balancer://mycluster/
    ProxyPassReverse / balancer://mycluster/
Both bits  I used to talk to each other work fine. The first bit and the second bit.
I am a bit confused which bit should I use, the first bit or the second bit  ?
Are any other bit(s) I can also try out  for a bit of practice ?
favourite phrase:
How you like them Apples ?
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