So I changed the config to eliminate the order question:

<Proxy "balancer://rz">
    Header add Set-Cookie "RZROUTEID=.%{BALANCER_WORKER_ROUTE}e; path=/"
    BalancerMember route=01
    BalancerMember route=02
    ProxySet stickysession=RZROUTEID
<Proxy "balancer://rz2">
    Header add Set-Cookie "RZ2ROUTEID=.%{BALANCER_WORKER_ROUTE}e; path=/"
    BalancerMember <> route=03
    BalancerMember <> route=04
    ProxySet stickysession=RZ2ROUTEID

ProxyPass "/goog"  "balancer://rz/"
ProxyPassReverse "/goog"  "balancer://rz/"
ProxyPass "/good"  "balancer://rz2/"
ProxyPassReverse "/good"  "balancer://rz2/"

going to http://myserver/goog redirects to the Google page and a
set-cookie RZROUTEID=.01
going to http://myserver/good redirects to Fox and a
set-cookie RZ2ROUTEID=.03 and a second set-cookie for RZROUTEID=.03

going back to http://myserver/goog redirects to Yahoo and dets a set-cookie


On Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 7:57 PM Nick Folino <> wrote:

> I thought that too, but if the rz proxypass was catching all traffic for
> rz2, then I wouldn't expect any traffic to get to rz2.
> But traffic does go to rz2 and all of that works, except it resets the rz
> route cookie.
> On Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 3:27 PM Daniel Ferradal <>
> wrote:
>> If I am looking at it correctly the order of the ProxyPass directives you
>> defined is not the correct one, /sz defined first would be overriding /sz2.
>> So sz2 should be defined first.
>> Perhaps that's why you are getting wrong values ? (Browser cache or
>> similar?)
>> El mar., 15 jun. 2021 19:00, Nick Folino <> escribió:
>>> I ran into an interesting situation with cookies being reset
>>> in balancers.
>>> I couldn't find any documentation on whether numbers are allowed in
>>> balancer names.
>>> I have this config:
>>>    <Proxy balancer://rz>
>>>       Header add Set-Cookie "RZROUTEID=.%{BALANCER_WORKER_ROUTE}e;
>>>       BalancerMember ajp://server1 route=01
>>>       BalancerMember ajp://server2 route=02
>>>       ProxySet stickysession=RZROUTEID
>>>    </Proxy>
>>>    <Proxy balancer://rz2>
>>>       Header add Set-Cookie "RZ2ROUTEID=.%{BALANCER_WORKER_ROUTE}e;
>>>       BalancerMember ajp://server3 route=03
>>>       BalancerMember ajp://server4 route=04
>>>       ProxySet stickysession=RZ2ROUTEID
>>>    </Proxy>
>>> ProxyPass /rz balancer://rz/rz
>>> ProxyPass /rz2 balancer://rz2/rz2
>>> All works as expected when going to http://myhost/rz
>>> I get the RZROUTEID cookie set to 01 or 02 on first hit and it stays set.
>>> If I then go to http://myhost/rz2 I get the RZ2ROUTEID set to 03 or 04
>>> but also another cookie set for RZROUTE with the same value as the
>>> RZ2ROUTEID cookie.
>>> This causes an issue when going back to /rz as the RZROUTEID cookie is
>>> now invalid and gets reset based on the balancing rules.
>>> I solved the problem by renaming the rz2 balancer to a new name with a
>>> digit.
>>> Is this by design that digits cause problems in balancer names?  or is
>>> this a bug?
>>> Nick

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