Hi all,

I'm relatively new to apache2.x and its configuration, but last week I
encountered a strange problem that's really puzzling me. I decided to ask
here for help. I would be grateful if someone could answer me to find what
I'm missing.

That said, this is the context:

we were happily running a php-7.3-apache-buster container image in our
swarm cluster as a service, with some modules enabled, among them autoindex

The apache2 container binds two volumes on a NFS share mount point visible
from all the cluster machines; one for the apache2 configuration files (aka
/etc/apache2) and one for the served content (aka /var/www/html).

We are facing a really strange problem with autoindex module that has run
fine till about a week ago.

After a service restart using UCP, autoindex seems not to be able to load
HeaderName and ReadmeName files when serving folders for which server
generated directory listing is required and setup.

So both our HEADER and FOOTER html files are not loaded anymore by
autoindex module.

We check apache logs after raising logs to trace8 for the autoindex module
and then also for all the server activity, but we were not able to find any
error. HEADER and FOOTER html files exist in the correct location and are
valid html files with no errors.

We made then some changes to apache2.conf and the relevant .htaccess files
we are using to override the default behaviour of autoindex module and we
find that apache is correctly parsing them and reacting to our changes the
ways we expected in all cases BUT the HeaderName and ReadmeName directives.
It seems like apache2 is ignoring these two directives.

We are stuck, and with great probability the cause of this behaviour will
be a trivial error on our side but after days, with almost equal
probability, we are not able to see it. Maybe someone else will do in a few

We can give all the apache2 configuration files and setup, if needed,
except ldap and other possible sensible data we have in them.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you, have a nice day.

-- Dott. Ing. Luca Paganotti
-- Via dei Giardini 9
-- 21035 Cunardo (VA)
-- 393 1346898
-- softech s.r.l. email:
-- luca.pagano...@softechweb.it
-- luca.pagano...@gmail.com
-- https://github.com/lucapaganotti
-- sourceforge email:
-- lucapagano...@users.sourceforge.net
-- skype name: luca.paganotti
[image: http://it.linkedin.com/in/lucapaganotti]
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-- Mistakes are portals of discovery - JAAJ
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