
You have server-status defined within an 80/http virtual host and as such I expect it will only be available via port 80/http. You can define server-status more globally or within an https configuration depending on what you want to support. However, bottom line is server-status and server-info can be configured for https/443.

Got it working, thanks. I was thrown off by the comment in the docs and a poor memory when I initially set this up quite some time ago. I've now got a letsencrypt cert for it and operating over SSL.

As an aside, you do want to be careful on your configuration for availability of server-status and server-info and likely not something you want to provide public access. I do see you are controlling access. However...  Order, Deny, Allow are deprecated in Apache 2.4 and you might want to consider reading:

Yes, thanks for this as well. I've converted them all to "Require ip" and removed the old stuff.



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