On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 8:58 PM Konstantin Kolinko <knst.koli...@gmail.com>

> ср, 6 окт. 2021 г. в 13:10, Martin Knoblauch <kn...@knobisoft.de>:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> >  sorry for asking this likely stupid question. This is with Apache HTTPD
> 2.4.48.
> >
> > I want to change the value of the X-Frame-Options response header from
> DENY to SAMEORIGIN. The header is apparently set by Tomcat 9.0.53.
> >
> > Naively, because the mod_header documentation says "The response header
> is set, replacing any previous header with this name. The value may be a
> format string.", I added a single
> >
> >     Header always set X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
> >
> > to the VirtualHost section of the httpd configuration. To my surprise my
> browser (FF and Chrome) has two headers now, one with DENY, one with
> SAMEORIGIN. And falls back to DENY :-(
> >
> > When I add an unset before the set, it works
> >
> >     Header unset X-Frame-Options
> >     Header always set X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
> >
> > Is my understanding of the mod_header documentation wrong, or do I miss
> somethiong subtle?
> See my recent answer in "X-Frame-Options and security" thread.
> https://httpd.markmail.org/message/pwsrgbj7pjy4qiei
> All is in the docs, if you read carefully, but I agree that it is subtle.
> https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/en/mod/mod_headers.html#header
> Essentially, (as far as I am reading it), "onsuccess" and "always" are
> just names of two separate tables (lists) of headers that exist in
> parallel.
> <quote>
> it does not offer any "normalized" single list of headers
> </quote>
> Best regards,
> Konstantin Kolinko
Hi Konstantin,

 OK, so I apparently did not read carefully enough and got the
onsuccess/always meaning wrong. Subtle indeed :-)

Anyway, I solved my problem at the root and convinced Spring Websecurity to
the "right" header value in the first place.


Martin Knoblauch
email: k n o b i AT knobisoft DOT de
www: http://www.knobisoft.de

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