
Keep the replies in the ML for everyone to see.

See the fpm wiki page at:


On Wed, 9 Mar 2022 at 11:13, Frank Gingras <thu...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> A mod_php segfault is most likely linked to a php extension.
> You have two options here:
> 1) Unload each php extension until you find the culprit
> 2) Switch to php-fpm, and configure httpd to use the event mpm via
> proxy_fcgi to pass the requests to php-fpm
> On Wed, 9 Mar 2022 at 08:15, Ivan Ionut <ivan.io...@tehnopol-gl.ro> wrote:
>> *My apache2 version:*
>> Server version: Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)
>> Server built: 2020-08-12T21:35:50
>> *My php version:*
>> PHP 7.3.7-1+ubuntu16.04.1+deb.sury.org+1 (cli) (built: Jul 10 2019
>> 06:54:26) ( NTS )
>> Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group
>> Zend Engine v3.3.7, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies
>> with Zend OPcache v7.3.7-1+ubuntu16.04.1+deb.sury.org+1, Copyright (c)
>> 1999-2018, by Zend Technologies
>> *My os version:*
>> Distributor ID: Ubuntu
>> Description: Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
>> Release: 16.04
>> Codename: xenial
>> Hi, from last 2-3 months i have a lot of  these segmentations(2-3 times
>> per week);
>> [Wed Mar 09 10:47:12.150226 2022] [core:notice] [pid 21823] AH00051:
>> child pid 22481 exit signal Segmentation fault (11), possible coredump in
>> /etc/apache2
>> [Wed Mar 09 10:47:17.155792 2022] [core:notice] [pid 21823] AH00051:
>> child pid 21895 exit signal Segmentation fault (11), possible coredump in
>> /etc/apache2
>> [Wed Mar 09 10:47:24.163536 2022] [core:notice] [pid 21823] AH00051:
>> child pid 22189 exit signal Segmentation fault (11), possible coredump in
>> /etc/apache2
>> [Wed Mar 09 10:47:24.163618 2022] [core:notice] [pid 21823] AH00051:
>> child pid 22562 exit signal Segmentation fault (11), possible coredump in
>> /etc/apache2
>> [Wed Mar 09 10:47:25.164759 2022] [core:notice] [pid 21823] AH00051:
>> child pid 22491 exit
>> ...............
>> Every site on the server has an error with: "Secure Connection Failed" or
>> "The Connection was  reset"
>> After I restart apache2 everything is ok.
>> Before this error.. I had a lot of errors (that I do not remember the
>> exact log messages) ... the apache2 requested to increase the number of
>> servers/workers, so the only I made some modifications
>> /etc/apache2/mods-available/mpm_prefork.conf
>> <IfModule mpm_prefork_module>
>> ServerLimit 4000
>> StartServers 905
>> MinSpareServers 405
>> MaxSpareServers 420
>> MaxRequestWorkers 2000
>> MaxConnectionsPerChild 0
>> </IfModule>
>> Today with some tutorial and with the help of gdb... I did get some
>> output of a segmentated apache2 process:
>> #0 0xb6324467 in ?? () from /usr/lib/php/20180731/opcache.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #1 0xb6322eac in ?? () from /usr/lib/php/20180731/opcache.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #2 0xb716baba in ?? () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #3 0xb71a4b92 in ?? () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #4 0xb71adaf3 in execute_ex () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #5 0xb71112cd in zend_call_function () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
>> libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #6 0xb6fbffbf in ?? () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #7 0xb6fc1345 in ?? () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #8 0xb6fc154a in ?? () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #9 0xb6fc1b2a in ?? () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #10 0xb71a9f11 in execute_ex () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
>> libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #11 0xb71112cd in zend_call_function () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
>> libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #12 0xb6fbffbf in ?? () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #13 0xb6fc1345 in ?? () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #14 0xb6fc154a in ?? () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #15 0xb6fc1b2a in ?? () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #16 0xb71a9f11 in execute_ex () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
>> libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #17 0xb71112cd in zend_call_function () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
>> libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #18 0xb6fbffbf in ?? () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #19 0xb6fc1345 in ?? () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #20 0xb6fc154a in ?? () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #21 0xb6fc1b2a in ?? () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #22 0xb71a9f11 in execute_ex () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
>> libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #23 0xb71112cd in zend_call_function () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
>> libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #24 0xb6fbffbf in ?? () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #25 0xb6fc1345 in ?? () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #26 0xb6fc154a in ?? () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #27 0xb6fc1b2a in ?? () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #28 0xb71a9f11 in execute_ex () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
>> libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #29 0xb71b22e4 in zend_execute () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
>> libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #30 0xb711f5cd in zend_execute_scripts () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
>> libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #31 0xb70bd52c in php_execute_script () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
>> libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #32 0xb71b4729 in ?? () from /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp7.3.so
>> No symbol table info available.
>> #33 0x00545f27 in ap_run_handler (r=0xb0611058) at config.c:169
>>        pHook = <optimized out>
>>        n = 3
>>        rv = -1
>> #34 0x0054649f in ap_invoke_handler (r=0xb0611058) at config.c:433
>>        handler = <optimized out>
>>        p = <optimized out>
>>        result = <optimized out>
>>        old_handler = 0xb48f4258 "application/x-httpd-php"
>>        ignore = <optimized out>
>> #35 0x0055d5ff in ap_process_async_request (r=0xb0611058) at
>> http_request.c:410
>>        c = 0xb62f31f0
>>        access_status = 0
>> #36 0x0055d7af in ap_process_request (r=0xb0611058) at http_request.c:445
>>        bb = <optimized out>
>>        b = <optimized out>
>>        c = 0xb62f31f0
>>        rv = <optimized out>
>> #37 0x0055989f in ap_process_http_sync_connection (c=0xb62f31f0) at
>> http_core.c:210
>>        keep_alive_timeout = 5000000
>>        r = 0xb0611058
>>        csd = 0x0
>>        mpm_state = 0
>> #38 ap_process_http_connection (c=0xb62f31f0) at http_core.c:251
>> No locals.
>> #39 0x0054fd17 in ap_run_process_connection (c=0xb62f31f0) at
>> connection.c:41
>>        pHook = <optimized out>
>>        n = 1
>>        rv = -1
>> #40 0x00550183 in ap_process_connection (c=0xb62f31f0, csd=0xb62f3058) at
>> connection.c:213
>>        rc = <optimized out>
>> #41 0xb732ca8f in child_main (child_num_arg=child_num_arg@entry=649,
>> child_bucket=child_bucket@entry=0) at prefork.c:723
>>        current_conn = 0xb62f31f0
>>        csd = 0xb62f3058
>>        thd = 0xb6eff058
>>        osthd = 3074316032
>>        ptrans = 0xb62f3018
>>        allocator = 0x1b435d0
>>        status = <optimized out>
>>        i = <optimized out>
>>        lr = <optimized out>
>>        pollset = 0xb6eff0c8
>>        sbh = 0xb6eff0c0
>>        bucket_alloc = 0xb6200018
>>        last_poll_idx = 1
>>        lockfile = <optimized out>
>> #42 0xb732ccd3 in make_child (s=<optimized out>, slot=slot@entry=649) at
>> prefork.c:825
>>        bucket = 0
>>        pid = <optimized out>
>> #43 0xb732cd47 in startup_children (number_to_start=256,
>> number_to_start@entry=905) at prefork.c:843
>>        i = 649
>> #44 0xb732dced in prefork_run (_pconf=0xb76fe018, plog=0xb73bf018,
>> s=0xb73c3f18) at prefork.c:1006
>>        index = <optimized out>
>>        remaining_children_to_start = 905
>>        i = <optimized out>
>> #45 0x0052826f in ap_run_mpm (pconf=0xb76fe018, plog=0xb73bf018,
>> s=0xb73c3f18) at mpm_common.c:94
>>        pHook = <optimized out>
>>        n = 0
>>        rv = -1
>> #46 0x00520da3 in main (argc=3, argv=0xbfa0f494) at main.c:777
>>        c = 0 '\000'
>>        showcompile = <optimized out>
>>        showdirectives = <optimized out>
>>        confname = <optimized out>
>>        def_server_root = <optimized out>
>>        temp_error_log = <optimized out>
>>        error = <optimized out>
>>        process = 0xb76fe018
>>        pconf = <optimized out>
>>        plog = 0xb73bf018
>>        ptemp = 0xb73c1018
>>        pcommands = 0xb73c5018
>>        opt = 0xb73c50b8
>>        rv = <optimized out>
>>        mod = <optimized out>
>>        opt_arg = 0x4fd034 "\006"
>>        signal_server = <optimized out>
>> P.S Sorry for my english.
>> --
>> *Ivan Ionuț*
>> *Str. Săliște 20, Galati 800023*
>> *Tel/Fax: +40236 493277 *
>> *Email: ivan.io...@tehnopol-gl.ro <ivan.io...@tehnopol-gl.ro>*
>> *The content of this email is confidential and intended for the recipient
>> specified in message only. It is strictly forbidden to share any part of
>> this message with any third party, without a written consent of the
>> sender. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, please
>> notify the sender immediately, and delete the message and any attachments.
>> Any disclosure, reproduction, distribution or other use of this message or
>> any attachments by an individual or entity other than the intended
>> recipient is prohibited.*

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