
> Op 13 mrt. 2022 om 15:54 heeft Walter Hop <apa...@spam.lifeforms.nl> het 
> volgende geschreven:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to strengthen my HTTPS setup.
> One security-checker which is popular in my country is internet.nl.

And rightly so!

> One thing I have a problem with is their check “Key exchange parameters”.
> On my old setup, this was DH 2048, which is considered “insufficient” 
> according to internet.nl. I have tried the following things:
> 1) use a 4096 bit RSA key and get a new certificate
> 2) generate DH params with: openssl dhparam -out /etc/apache2/dhparam.pem 4096
> 3) in my configuration, added: SSLOpenSSLConfCmd DHParameters 
> "/etc/apache2/dhparam.pem”
> The result of these steps is, that my server now seems to use DH 3072 bit, 
> which is better, but not yet 4096 bit. It’s still considered “insufficient” 
> by the checker. You can see the check results here: 
> https://internet.nl/site/lifeforms.nl/1527698/#control-panel-14
> I’m confused where the DH 3072 comes from. My question is, what should I 
> configure so that DH 4096 is sent?

Is your DH file actually 4096 bits? ;)

Does Apache have a setting similar to tune.ssl.default-dh-param in HAProxy, 

> I am running Apache 2.4.52 (from Ondrej Sury) with OpenSSL 1.1.1 from Ubuntu 
> 18.04 LTS.
> Any info would be super useful, thanks in advance!
> Kind regards,
> WH

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