Apache2.4 installed and operating on Widows 7. Test site is loaded at 
C:\Apache24\htdocs\testsite.com. Site index is loaded in the testsite.com 
folder as index (an htm file). Virtual Hosts is set up as:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin a...@example.com
    ServerName testsite.com
    ErrorLog "logs/testsite.log"
    ServerAlias www.testsite.com    
    Custom Log "Logs/testsite.logs" common

</virtual host>

Using FireFox browser calling testsite.com goes to a live site on the internet. 
Calling local host brings up this: 

Index of /
  a.. testsite.com/
which in turn shows this:

Index of /testsite.com
  a.. Parent Directory 
  b.. index.htm
I’ve researched everything I can think of on Google and haven’t been able to 
connect to the site index. Obviously I have an error somewhere.

All assistance will be sincerely appreciated.

Milt Spain

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