On 2022-04-27 12:25 p.m., DiversityLink/Milt Spain wrote:
I have gotten Apache2.4 installed and running on my local computer. It’s on the 
C drive and the website is at C:/Apache24/htdocs/Milt.com.

The Milt.com folder contains Index (htm file) and Page1 (html file). displays the Index.

Now I want a hyperlink on the Index page that will bring up Page1.

Probably not ana Apache problem;  have you tried:
<a href="page1.html>page 1</a> (make sure you use upper/lower case to match -- most people, outside Windows, use all lower case and no spaces.) Make sure that ownership of the file is good (normally www-data, Windows might vary) and permissions are 664 (rw-,rw-,r--)

If that fails look in your logs and send the relevant lines to this list.

Good luck -- Paul

I have been unable to make anything work. Is Page1 in the wrong place or could I be using the wrong path in the hyperlink (I’ve tried several without success)? All assistance will be appreciated.

Milt Spain

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