
My issue is very simple but complicated by sudden behavior.
We're unable to resolve it for years so decided to request community's help.

We have application server behind httpd as a reverse proxy,
with basic ldap auth, so only ldap authenticated users are able to get into
the application.
(    Require valid-user
    Allow from all

Everything works well and configuration is very basic.
Sometimes like once in a month or two it fails and httpd stops acting like
a reverse proxy.
I.e. https://url/my-app fails with 404 trying to find my-app locally.
(the requested URL /my-app was not found on this server)

It is 'fixed' by restarting httpd and is very annoying for users.

Debug turned on for proxy and ldap modules and there's absolutely nothing
When the situation occurs, there's just no attempt to refer to the
'proxypass' it is
just trying to get the local path immediately.

It cannot be reproduced as well and there's no specific periodicity for
this failure.
Anything i'm missing? Any more debug to turn on?

appreciate any ideas.

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