
I am using the bundled apache on Debian 10 and Debian 11 as a reverse
proxy. I found one problem that is only in Debian 11 which bundles apache
2.4.54.  The Debian 10 bundled apache 2.4.38 seems to work as expected.

ProxyPassMatch ^/(prod|dev)/([-a-z0-9]+)/(.*)$ http://$2.internal/$1/$2/$3
enablereuse=on keepalive=on

When the user chrome browses the apache using /prod/host1/something, apache
proxies the request to backend server host1.internal but then when chrome
browses /prod/host2/something, apache again sends to host1.internal. I
would expect the request to go to host2.internal.

Again, the issue is only with Apache 2.4.54 on Debian11. The old Debiain 10
(apache 2.4.38) works correctly using the same configuration. The request
goes to host1.internal and host2.internal based on the request URI.

If I remove "enablereuse=on" from Debian 11 apache config, it will work
correctly. Is this a feature or bug?


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