Some script is probably hogging the workers and not letting them close so
if you must, just restart, but judging by the amount of traffic you seem to
have at the time I would truncate in logrotate and not restart or reload
the server at all.

El jue, 24 nov 2022 2:38, Mike Dewhirst <> escribió:

> On 24/11/2022 12:13 pm, Eric Covener wrote:
> Should I adjust /etc/logrotate.d/apache2 to restart instead of reload?
> How many entries for Apache logs are there, and how frequently do they
> rotate in logrotated?
> There are three Apache website logs and they rotate daily. Here is the
> script
> # /etc/logrotate.d/apache2
> /var/log/apache2/*.log {
>     daily
>     missingok
>     rotate 14
>     compress
>     delaycompress
>     notifempty
>     create 0660 root adm
>     sharedscripts
>     prerotate
>     if [ -d /etc/logrotate.d/httpd-prerotate ]; then
>         run-parts /etc/logrotate.d/httpd-prerotate
>     fi
>     endscript
>     postrotate
>     if pgrep -f ^/usr/sbin/apache2 > /dev/null; then
>         invoke-rc.d apache2 reload 2>&1 | logger -t apache2.logrotate
>     fi
>     endscript
> }
> # /etc/cron.daily/apache2
> #!/bin/sh
> # run htcacheclean if set to 'cron' mode
> set -e
> set -u
> type htcacheclean > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit 0
> [ -e /etc/default/apache-htcacheclean ] || exit 0
> # edit /etc/default/apache-htcacheclean to change this
> HTCACHECLEAN_PATH=/var/cache/apache2/mod_cache_disk
> . /etc/default/apache-htcacheclean
> [ "$HTCACHECLEAN_MODE" = "cron" ] || exit 0
> htcacheclean ${HTCACHECLEAN_OPTIONS}    \
>         -p${HTCACHECLEAN_PATH}    \
>         -l${HTCACHECLEAN_SIZE}
> I think there's a trick to batch them if there's very many. But it
> sounds like it's constantly doing rotation.
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