This comes to mind:

On Wed, May 17, 2023 at 12:48 PM Adam Weremczuk <>

> Hi all,
> I run some old Bugzilla 3.6.11 ( on SERVER1
> (Debian 7 / Apache 2.2.22 / MySQL 5.5.31).
> The following authentication works locally:
> AuthType Basic
> AuthPAM_Enabled on
> AuthBasicAuthoritative off
> AuthUserFile /dev/null
> I have migrated Bugzilla to a modern stack on SERVER2 (Debian 11 /
> Apache 2.4.56 / MariaDB 10.5.19) but struggle with authentication.
> Is it possible to use pwauth to consult usernames/passwords on SERVER1
> from SERVER2 by IP?
> What other authentication options do I have?
> I would rather avoid doing things such as copying usernames and
> passwords across.
> Regards,
> Adam
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