>       I was wondering if it is even possible to publish an existing shop
> hosted on the subdomain shop.example.com <http://shop.example.com>  and
> show it as a 'folder' in www.test.com/shop <http://www.test.com/shop> .
> Will I have problems with browsers (cookies?). I don't want to resolve
> this on the file system because both have different uid/gids on files.
> You can just Alias /shop/ /path/to/documentrootof/shop.example.com/
> <http://shop.example.com/>

Yes I did not expect this to work because of file system permissions and 
different php version.

>  From the http server side, there are a few ways to do it, Alias,
> internal redirects, reverse proxy.

Currently I am having 

     24 SSLProxyEngine On
     25 SSLProxyVerify none
     26 SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off
     27 SSLProxyCheckPeerName off
     28 SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire off
     29 <Location /shop/>
     30         ProxyPass        "https://shop.example.com/";
     31         ProxyPassReverse "https://shop.example.com/";
     33         Options +Indexes +ExecCGI +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews
     34         Order Allow,Deny
     35         Allow from all
     36 </Location>

Home page loads fine however, I have static urls in html pages to 
https://shop.example.com/ is it possible to have those rewriten to / relative 

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