> https://example.com/search?searchword=CVE-2021-4014&Search=
>> I've tried the following RewriteCond/RewriteRule in various forms, but not 
>> sure what I'm doing wrong.
>> RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^searchword=(.*)
>> RewriteRule ^   q=$1 [NC,L]
>> Ideas for what I'm doing wrong would be greatly appreciated.
>> Is the query parameter case sensitive? That’d be important for
> RewriteCond to know. Also, isn’t that the “starts with” operator, ^? What
> if the parameter comes second? A bit verbose, but:
>  ^.*searchword=(\w{1})[&]{0,1}.*$

Whoops, meant to add a comma in the capturing group. Also the end is
ambiguous. Maybe


Should match all the way to the end of the query value (& is not in \w), or
the end the query string if it’s the last parameter.


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