On Thu, Jan 18, 2024 at 7:44 AM Dave Wreski
<dwre...@guardiandigital.com.invalid> wrote:

> Hi,
> [Tue Jan 16 08:55:13.289205 2024] [rewrite:trace1] [pid 904886:tid 904938]
>>>> mod_rewrite.c(493): [client] - - [
>>>> webstage.example.com/sid#560ba7f01a68][rid#7f2b1c0bc210/initial
>>>> <http://webstage.example.com/sid#560ba7f01a68][rid%237f2b1c0bc210/initial>]
>>>> redirect to
>>>> https://webstage.example.com/administrator/sqlantern-joomla/php?cms_settings
>>>> [REDIRECT/301]
>>> Based on those log entries, the rewrite worked fine.
>>> Perhaps you're dealing with DirectorySlash here.
>>> Notice the last line redirected to itself, causing an infinite loop of
>>> redirects.
>>> I also wanted to add that, given the RewriteCond rule may be working
>>> correctly, how can I change it to accommodate query strings, or this
>>> particular query string?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dave
>> If your rules are in .htaccess, the latter file will be parsed over and
>> over until it stops matching, so use the appropriate RewriteCond to break
>> that loop, or better yet, edit your vhost instead.
>> Yes, that's what I'm asking for help to do :-) This rewritecond is
>> included in my vhost config using an Include statement.
>> Thanks,
>> Dave
> What context is the include directive placed in?
> It's in the VirtualHost directly, not in a Directory.
The following RewriteCond won't work in the vhost context:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

You need to use:


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