Hi, I run an open source project that uses apache. Our continuous integration 
has broken recently with the 2.4.62 update. Before opening a bug with httpd, I 
read I should post here first.

Specifically I seem to be running into this warning message that ends up 
resulting in a 500 error message from httpd.

AH01144: No protocol handler was valid for the URL /pun/sys/dashboard (scheme 

I've loaded all the modules available and still I get this error.  Here are the 
relevant logs. As it's an open source project I'm happy to link the libraries 
we use as we use LuaHookFixups to set some things and I get the sense that 
could have something to do with it.

Here's the location in question:

  <Location "/pun">
    AuthType openid-connect
    Require valid-user

    SetHandler lua-script

    ProxyPreserveHost On
    ProxyAddHeaders On
    ProxyPassReverse http://localhost/pun

    # ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain implementation (strip domain)
    Header edit* Set-Cookie ";\s*(?i)Domain[^;]*" ""

    # ProxyPassReverseCookiePath implementation (less restrictive)
    Header edit* Set-Cookie ";\s*(?i)Path\s*=(?-i)(?!\s*/pun)[^;]*" "; 

    SetEnv OOD_PUN_SOCKET_ROOT "/var/run/ondemand-nginx"
    LuaHookFixups pun_proxy.lua pun_proxy_handler


And the relevant logs after logging in:

[Tue Aug 13 17:06:23.130372 2024] [proxy:trace2] [pid 3065:tid 3154] 
proxy_util.c(2625): [client] *: using default reverse proxy 
worker for 
 (no keepalive), referer: http://localhost:5556/
[Tue Aug 13 17:06:23.130380 2024] [proxy:debug] [pid 3065:tid 3154] 
mod_proxy.c(1465): [client] AH01143: Running scheme unix 
handler (attempt 0), referer: http://localhost:5556/
[Tue Aug 13 17:06:23.130464 2024] [proxy:warn] [pid 3065:tid 3154] [client] AH01144: No protocol handler was valid for the URL 
/pun/sys/dashboard (scheme 'unix'). If you are using a DSO version of 
mod_proxy, make sure the proxy submodules are included in the configuration 
using LoadModule., referer: http://localhost:5556/
[Tue Aug 13 17:06:23.130864 2024] [lua:info] [pid 3065:tid 3154] [client] res_content_encoding="" res_content_location="" 
 req_cache_control="" req_is_websocket="false" req_origin="" 
req_uri="/pun/sys/dashboard" req_port="8080" 
log_id="ZruSj09FJxezeq20fyb9SgAAAIM" req_accept_language="en-us,en;q=0.5" 
req_accept_encoding="gzip, deflate, br, zstd" req_accept_charset="" 
res_location="" req_status="500" res_content_length="527" req_content_type="" 
local_user="jeff" res_content_disp="" req_user_agent="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; 
Linux x86_64; rv:129.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/129.0" req_method="GET" 
req_server_name="localhost" req_user_ip="" time_user_map="0.002" 
req_referer=http://localhost:5556/ allowed_hosts="localhost" 
 log_hook="ood" res_content_type="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" 
log_time="2024-08-13T17:06:23.130766.0Z" req_is_https="false" 
req_handler="proxy-server" req_hostname="localhost" time_proxy="0.533" 
req_protocol="HTTP/1.1", referer: http://localhost:5556/

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