
We are using Apache HTTPD 2.4.53 for an internal content management system. It 
is not customer-facing. The security solution considers the proxy vulnerable to 
an "Unauthenticated/Open Web Proxy Detected" vulnerability. After many back and 
forths with them to check if it's a false positive, we still made these changes 
in httpd.conf file as per this Apache documentation 

Do you think this is the fix for the above-mentioned vulnerabilities? The 
reason to ask here is that Qualys doesn't provide any CVE and asks us to 
confirm from Apache.
This is the solution given by Qualys, which we tried to apply within 
httpd.conf. Let me know if we misunderstood:

Configure your proxy server to only allow connections from valid users/hosts 
within your internal network, or to require authentication in order
to use the proxy services. If you need more assistance on how to do this, 
please contact the vendor of the proxy software.

=================Vulnerability Details==============
62054- Unauthenticated/Open Web Proxy Detected (External)
62002- Unauthenticated/Open Web Proxy Detected
Successful exploitation may allow unauthorized users to browse the Internet 
with your IP address , your Intranet and Web server. This may also be
exploited to scan non-http services inside your firewall.
Reconfigure your proxy.
Not Applicable
There is no exploitability information for this vulnerability.
There is no malware information for this vulnerability.

Here is how we made the changes in Apache's httpd.conf file


#Sept 2024 - Attempting to fix unauthenticated proxy vul (QIDs 62002 and 62054)
AllowOverride AuthConfig

#Sept 2024 - Attempting to fix unauthenticated proxy vul (QIDs 62002 and 62054)
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from corpr.company_domain.local
#Sept 2024 - Attempting to fix unauthenticated proxy vul (QIDs 62002 and 62054)
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Restricted Files"
## (Following line optional)
#AuthBasicProvider file
AuthUserFile "C:\httpd-2.4.53-win64-VS16\Apache24\passwd\passwords"
Require user rbowen


# Mod_Proxy Settings
 <VirtualHost *>
   ProxyRequests On
   ProxyTimeout 3600
   ProxyPreserveHost On

   <Proxy *>
      Order deny,allow
                Deny from all
                Allow from corpr.company_domain.local
ProxyPass         /fontoxml  http://localhost:9191/fontoxml
ProxyPassReverse  /fontoxml  http://localhost:9191/fontoxml

ProxyPass         /api/fonto/proxy/spell-checker  http://localhost:6050
ProxyPassReverse  /api/fonto/proxy/spell-checker http://localhost:6050

ProxyPass         /api/fonto  http://localhost:9191/api/fonto
ProxyPassReverse  /api/fonto http://localhost:9191/api/fonto

#QID 12680: HTTP TRACE / TRACK Methods Enabled
TraceEnable off

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legal counsel. J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 368, Neenah, WI 

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