On 24/9/24 8:25, Stanislav Samek wrote:
Probably it will be a problem that Istio is exposing endpoints in HTTP/2 revision. Don't you have a problem with this?

Here is part of our configuration:

  ProxyPassMatch ^/foobar/v1/(.*)$  balancer://application/api/$1
  ProxyPassReverse ^/foobar/v1/(.*)$  balancer://application/api/$1

  ProxyHCExpr checker {%{REQUEST_STATUS} =~ /^[234]/}

  <Proxy balancer://application>
    BalancerMember https://foobar-a.stage.cloud addressttl=3600 hcexpr=checker     BalancerMember https://foobar-b.stage.cloud addressttl=3600 hcexpr=checker

    # Optional: Load balancing method
    ProxySet lbmethod=byrequests


Thank you

SSLProxyEngine should be set to on. Make sure you have it.

Also certificate provided by backend should match name in its CN or AltName to the FQDN you are pointing in your BalancerMember directives, otherwise you must set SSLProxyCheckPeerName off of fix certificates in backend.

You could also try "curl --http1.1 -v https://foobar-a.stage.cloud"; to check what you get exactly.

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