
Question for those who are implementing dual-stack IPv6 on 
top of an existing multi-segment routed IPv4 network.  Are you 
partitioning your v6 network into the same number of routed 
segments?  Or are you going to play vlan or other tricks and 
route a single /64 over many or all of your existing IPv4 

I'm in an, erm, "discussion" with my Corporate IT department 
who will provide the link and address space to Engineering.  
I'm not really an Ethernet guru, but the reasons we (Engineering) 
want to pretty much exactly parallel the routing structure of 
the existing IPv4 nets are:

- Political: in most cases each link belongs to a single functional 
group.  We think users will want the same for v6.

- Security/Availability: these groups often do stupid stuff that  
causes unintentional denials of service, and it will be easier for 
us to identify the physical source of the junk and either blackhole 
the route or disable the port.

- DNS delegation: we already delegate several forward and reverse 
zones to individual lab teams for special testing.  These folks will 
clearly need their own /64 delegated.

There are probably more than I can remember right now....

( we need to get more users on this list... )


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