On Mon, 2005-04-04 at 00:22 -0700, Mike Warren wrote:
> I'm looking for an application that will open a listening v6 socket 
> and open a v4 socket to a pre-defined remote host/port.  The 
> application would pass all input data from the v6 client through to 
> the v4 socket and vice versa.
> Does such an application exist?  I tried xinetd's redirection but that
> didn't seem to work.  I wrote something in perl but would prefer
> something in C.  

Google *wink* for '6tunnel', 'netcat6' etc ;)

What tool exactly do you want to upgrade to support IPv6?
There might be better tools for doing the job directly, or why not make
the tool natively support IPv6? Remember that when using any of the
above tricks you will loose the real source address...

In any case, if you need help, yell...


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