Hi Sharmila,

I am not sure i can anwer all your questions, but i think i can answer some of 
I have a working ipv6 dns server running, so i will cut and paste from it.

in named.conf i have: (leaving out the irelevant parts)

listen-on-v6 { any; };
allow-query { any; };
zone "" IN {
        type master;
        file "ipv6.zone";
        allow-transfer { none; };
        allow-update { none; };

and in  ipv6.zone i have:


       1D IN NS ns1.kapitein.org.
       1D IN NS ns2.kapitein.org.
       1D IN NS ns3.kapitein.org.

1       PTR     wega.kapitein.org.
2       PTR     pced.kapitein.org.
5       PTR     pcbeneden.kapitein.org.
8       PTR     ns1.kapitein.org.

This will take care of the reverse zone.

You have something with ::.ip6.arpa.zone, i am not font of filenames with :: 
in it, but that is probably just me....

For the kapitein.org zone i have in named.conf:
zone "kapitein.org" IN {
        type master;
        file "kapitein.org";
        allow-update { none; };
        allow-transfer { none; };
        forwarders {};

and the file kapitein.org contains:

@                       1D IN SOA       neo postmaster (
                                        2005041000      ; serial (d. adams)
                                        1H              ; refresh
                                        15M             ; retry
                                        2W              ; expiry
                                        1D )            ; minimum

                        IN MX 10        neo
                        1D IN NS        neo
pced                    1D IN AAAA      2001:960:761::2
wega                    1D IN AAAA      2001:960:761::1
pcbeneden               1D IN AAAA      2001:960:761::5
neo                     1D IN AAAA      2001:960:761::8

I am running suse 8.2, bind9-9.2.2

If youy use dig, try dig @fec0:1234:5678:1234::2 example.domain soa and see if 
your server is authorative for that domain.

I think it is easier to build a good working ipv4 dns server and add the ipv6 
parts later.
For me that is better to grasp then using ipv6 right  away. 
DNSsec is not nessecary for ipv6, i don't use it.

Bind should start without any errors,  so check your zonefiles for missing } { 
; etc.

I hope this helps.

If you are fammiliar with IRC you can join #ipv6 on 

Kind regards,

On Monday 11 April 2005 16:12, Sharmila wrote:
> Hello Experts,
>                  I have problems configuring DNS server for IPv6. I am
> using redhat Linux (kernel version 2.4.18-14.) and am enabling IPv6 by
> 'insmod'ing  ipv6.o. I got bind 9.3.1 from www.isc.org .  untarred and
> compiled .I did ./configure -enable-ipv6 and make and make install.
> There were no compilation errors and 'named' also starts successfully. I
> think I am doing some mistake in the zone files.I am trying the following
> simple setup in my private network:
> host1-------------- ---------------HUB ------------------------ host2
> (fec0:1234:5678:1234::1/64)  |                  (fec0:1234:5678:1234::3/64)
>                             DNS server(fec0:1234:5678:1234::2/64)
> (host1 host2 and DNS server all connected to the same HUB)
> I want to have host1 and host2 in example.domain and would like DNS server
> to resolve the domain name when looked up from host1.
> on host1:
> vi /etc/resolv.conf
> nameserver    fec0:1234:5678:1234::2
> named.conf on DNS server:
> options {
>          directory "/var/named";
>          /*
>           * If there is a firewall between you and nameservers you want
>           * to talk to, you might need to uncomment the query-source
>           * directive below.  Previous versions of BIND always asked
>           * questions using port 53, but BIND 8.1 uses an unprivileged
>           * port by default.
>           */
>          listen-on-v6 { any;};
>          // query-source address * port 53;
> };
> //
> // a caching only nameserver config
> //
> controls {
>          inet allow { localhost; } keys { rndckey; };
> };
> zone "." IN {
>          type hint;
>          file "named.ca";
> };
> zone "localhost" IN {
>          type master;
>          file "localhost.zone";
>          allow-update { none; };
> };
> zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" IN {
>          type master;
>          file "named.local";
>          allow-update { none; };
> };
> zone "::.ip6.arpa" IN {
>          type master;
>          file "::.ip6.arpa.zone";
> };
> zone "example.domain" IN {
>          type master;
>          file "example.domain.zone";
> };
> include "/etc/rndc.key";
> I creaetd the files ::.ip6.arpa.zone  and example.domain.zone
> Is it right to create such file???
> ::.ip6.arpa.zone file on DNS server: ( Thought it's similar to
> 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa.zone)
> $TTL 86400
> @       IN      SOA     localhost.      root.localhost (
>                          1 ; serial
>                          28800 ; refresh
>                          7200 ; retry
>                          604800 ; expire
>                          86400 ; ttk
>                          )
> @       IN      NS      localhost.
> 1       IN      PTR     localhost.
> example.domain.zone on DNS server:
> $TTL 86400
> @       IN      SOA     example.domain root.localhost (
>                          3 ; serial
>                          28800 ; refresh
>                          7200 ; retry
>                          604800 ; expire
>                          86400 ; ttl
>                          )
> @       IN      NS      example
> $ORIGIN example.domain
> @       3600    IN      A6        64    fec0:1234:5678:1234::2
> host1   3600    IN      A6      64      fec0:1234:5678:1234::1
> host2   3600    IN      A6      64      fec0:1234:5678:1234::3
> Now on host1 ,I do
> dig host2.example.domain a6
> or
> dig :: host2.example.domain a6
> It does not succeed.It says,
> no servers could be reached;connection timed out;
> On server side, in /var/log/messages it says unexpected end of file in
> example.domain.zone
> /var/log/messages on DNS Server
> Apr 11 17:56:31 intoto named[1753]: starting BIND 9.2.1 -u named
> Apr 11 17:56:31 intoto named[1753]: using 1 CPU
> Apr 11 17:56:31 intoto named[1756]: loading configuration from
> '/etc/named.conf'
> Apr 11 17:56:31 intoto named[1756]: listening on IPv6 interfaces, port 53
> Apr 11 17:56:31 intoto named[1756]: listening on IPv4 interface lo,
> Apr 11 17:56:31 intoto named[1756]: binding TCP socket: address in use
> Apr 11 17:56:31 intoto named[1756]: listening on IPv4 interface eth0,
> Apr 11 17:56:31 intoto named[1756]: binding TCP socket: address in use
> Apr 11 17:56:31 intoto named[1756]: listening on IPv4 interface eth1,
> Apr 11 17:56:31 intoto named[1756]: binding TCP socket: address in use
> Apr 11 17:56:31 intoto named[1756]: command channel listening on
> Apr 11 17:56:31 intoto named[1756]: zone
> 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa/IN: loaded serial 1997022700
> Apr 11 17:56:31 intoto named[1756]: zone ::.ip6.arpa/IN: loaded serial
> 1997022700
> Apr 11 17:56:31 intoto named[1756]: dns_rdata_fromtext:
> example.domain.zone:14: near eol: unexpected end of input
> Apr 11 17:56:31 intoto named[1756]: zone example.domain/IN: loading master
> file example.domain.zone: unexpected end of input
> Apr 11 17:56:31 intoto named[1756]: zone localhost/IN: loaded serial 42
> Apr 11 17:56:31 intoto named[1756]: running
> Apr 11 17:56:31 intoto named: named startup succeeded
> Can someone please tell me where I am wrong . I am completely new to
> this.So,I could have made some silly mistakes.So,please correct me and
> guide me or point me to proper help docs on this.
> Also is it compulsory to have DNSSEC enabled for IPv6 DNS ??
> Thanks in advance,
> Sharmila

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