Title: Re: Can't ping a Windows computer on Linux
I don’t think the DNS problem is affecting here, because he is using literal addresses among both boxes.

Anyway, you always can use either the DNS server address provided by W2K3 stack, or alternatively “netsh interface ipv6 add dns ...” for you own address.


De: Lawrence Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organización: InfoWeapons Corporation
Responder a: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fecha: Sat, 5 Nov 2005 07:55:20 +0800
Para: 'Jason Gauthier' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: <users@ipv6.org>
Asunto: RE: Can't ping a Windows computer on Linux

This is a subtle one – you are trying to use Windows XP as a pure IPv6
node. I know that DNS resolution on Windows XP works only over IPv4,
and there may be other things that still require IPv4. It works OK in a
dual stack network (IPv4 and IPv6), but it won’t fully function in a pure
IPv6 network. Vista will. FreeBSD will. Not sure about Linux, but it
should, esp. if you have installed the full USAGI IPv6 stack.
Also, using Site local addresses should work, but if possible, use
Unicast (e.g. 2001:.. or 2002:… ) addresses. Either assign them
manually (e.g. using “net sh” in Windows) or provide a Router
Advertisement (RA) server somewhere on each segment and let
the stateless autoconfig create them for you automatically.
If you insist on using link or site local addresses, don’t
forget to include the interface id everywhere you use the address
appended to the end of the address (e.g. <addr>%4). I’m not
that familiar with site local addresses, but the %1 after yours
in your ipconfig looks odd for some reason. How did you create
the site local addresses?

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jason Gauthier
Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2005 4:49 AM
Cc: users@ipv6.org
Subject: Re: Can't ping a Windows computer on Linux

The 2 adresses are FEC0:0:0:10::1 and FEC0:0:0:10::2

ifconfig on Debian

eth0      Lien encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:01:03:E3:94:5D  
          adr inet6: fec0:0:0:10::1/64 Scope:Site
          adr inet6: fe80::201:3ff:fee3:945d/64 Scope:Lien
          RX packets:11 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:5 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 lg file transmission:1000
          RX bytes:2430 (2.3 KiB) TX bytes:446 (446.0 b)
          Interruption:9 Adresse de base:0xb400

lo        Lien encap:Boucle locale  
          inet adr: <>   Masque: <>
          adr inet6: ::1/128 Scope:Hôte
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:102 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:102 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 lg file transmission:0
          RX bytes:6540 (6.3 KiB)  TX bytes:6540 (6.3 KiB)

ipconfig on W2k3

Configuration IP de Windows

      Nom de l'hôte . . . . . . . . . . : win2k3srv

      Suffixe DNS principal . . . . . . :

      Type de nœud . . . . . . . . . .  : Diffusion

      Routage IP activé . . . . . . . . : Non

      Proxy WINS activé . . . . . . . . : Non

Carte Ethernet ReseauIPv6 :

      Suffixe DNS propre à la connexion  :

      Description . . . . . . . . . . .  : Carte réseau 3Com EtherLink XL 10/100 PCI pour gestion intégrale de PC (3C905C-TX)

      Adresse physique . . . . . . . . . : 00-01-03-E3-94-3A

      DHCP activé. . . . . . . . . . .   : Oui

      Configuration automatique activée  : Oui

      Adresse IP. . . . . . . . . . . .  : <>

      Masque de sous-réseau . . . . . .  : <>

      Adresse IP. . . . . . . . . . . .  : fec0:0:0:10::2%1

      Adresse IP. . . . . . . . . . . .  : fe80::201:3ff:fee3:943a%4

      Passerelle par défaut . . . . . .  :

      Serveur DHCP. . . . . . . . . . .  : <>

      Serveurs DNS . . . . . . . . . .   : fec0:0:0:ffff::1%1



Yeah it's in french but you should be able to understand.


Hi Jason,

I'm not sure what scope/interface is the %1, so probably you're using a wrong one. If you can post the ipconfig /all it will be much easier, good if you can show us the ifconfig for the Linux box.

Also, make sure that you have disabled the Windows Firewall or at least allowed ICMPv6.


De: Jason Gauthier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Responder a: < [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >
Fecha: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 13:23:01 -0500
Para: "users@ipv6.org " < users@ipv6.org>
Asunto: Can't ping a Windows computer on Linux

My Windows 2003 computer has an adress that ends with a "%1" and my Linux computer has what I would call a normal IPv6 adress.
So when I try to ping either of the two together, well I can't reach them.

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