Thanks a lot. Now I got it.

On 1/23/06, Jeroen Massar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jun Yin wrote:
> Hi,
> now it seems the tspc works and tunnel was established, what's the next step?
> I got the ipv6 routing table:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] tspc]# route -A inet6
> Kernel IPv6 routing table
> Destination                                 Next Hop
>              Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
> ::1/128                                     ::
>              U     0      7        1 lo
> 2001:5c0:8fff:ffff::22/128                  2001:5c0:8fff:ffff::22
>              UC    0      3        1 tun
> 2001:5c0:8fff:ffff::23/128                  ::
>              U     0      33       0 lo
> 3ffe:ffff:0:f101::5/128                     ::
>              U     0      36       0 lo
> 3ffe:ffff:0:f101::/64                       ::
>              UA    256    0        0 eth0
> 2000::/3                                    ::
>              U     1      0        0 tun
> ::/0                                        ::
>              U     1      0        0 tun
> ::/0                                        ::
>              UDA   256    0        0 eth0
> ::/0                                        ::
>              UDA   256    0        0 eth1

You seem to have that 'broken kernel' (at least in my opinion), which
creates default routes to interfaces (how silly is that it doesn't
accomplish anything). Anyhow, remove them with:
# ip -6 route del ::/0 dev eth0
# ip -6 route del ::/0 dev eth1
Not that it matters much as you have a 'default' over the 2000::/3 route
and the metric for the default over eth0/eth1 is much higher than the
one over the tunnel.

Next to that you seem to have both 6bone and RIR space as source
addresses. Clean those out too, as you most likely can't use them anyway
unless you already had IPv6 connectivity over eth0 but it doesn't look
like it, it could be that you are trying to use these addresses and that
then breaks. The address bound to the loopback but the actual route on
dev eth0 looks weird anyway, thus better purge them:
# ip addr del 3ffe:ffff:0:f101::5/128 dev lo
# ip ro del 3ffe:ffff:0:f101::/64 dev eth0

Then try:
# ping6 2001:5c0:8fff:ffff::23

This demonstrates that you can ping yourself

# ping6 2001:5c0:8fff:ffff::22

This demonstrates that you can ping the remote endpoint

Then try:

# traceroute6

Or something else to see how far it goes. After that you can try
websites and other things (or skip directly here of course ;)

> and then I hope I can access some ipv6 sites by the ipv6 tunnel. I
> tried   and, but they alwasys
> said I'm using ipv4 address.  How can I force the traffic to use ipv6
> tunnel? Do I need some special ipv6 dns setup?

That mostly depends on your browser, but you can always try:

which is IPv6 only, then look at the bottom what you are using.

Another nice site to visit is of course ;)



Hans Yin

Skype: hans_yin_vancouver

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