
I was able to fix the "unmappable character" problem by setting the
encoding of the file to UTF-8 in vim. I don't know if
the maven property had any effect but it may
still be a good idea to set it in the archetype.

I've also pushed the app to heroku[1]. What there is so far at least. Auth
is set to bypass so login as whoever. Almost nothing works so don't be
surprised by stack traces. But now I can refer to the running app rather
than rely on my descriptions.

I have an issue with a class acting as a wrapper around a few fields to
keep them together as they are passed around. The class in question is
RouteSpecification[2]. A RouteSpecification is made up of three fields:
origin location, destination location, and arrival date. In the original
dddsample, a Cargo contains a RouteSpecification meaning that the CARGO
table has individual fields for spec_origin_id, spec_destination_id, and
spec_arrival_date but in "object-land" they are treated as one instance of
RouteSpecification. RouteSpecifications are not persisted in their own
table. I see this as synonymous with creating a Name class to hold
firstName and lastName and then having a Person class have a Name field.
Could also apply to Address if Address was not a shareable entity.

What I'd like to be able to do is define a method in my cargo
repository[3]: public Cargo bookNewCargo(RouteSpecification spec) {...} and
the page that gets generated includes fields for each of the
RouteSpecification properties. Here is a screenshot of the page in the
original dddsample[4]. I currently get a label with no fields next to it[5].

Dan, is this another case of a @Value that holds references to persisted
entities (the two locations)?



On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 10:23 PM, Kevin Meyer <> wrote:

> Hi Christian,
> I was going to suggest the Process pattern...
> As a (perhpas required) hack, can you delete the unused execution plans
> after a user has made a choice?
> Of course, in a multi-user environment, you'd need some way of isolating
> one user's plans from other users...
> Does the process pattern require the execution plans to be persisted? I
> guess this is an issue with being stateless - you have persist the states
> somewhere...
> Christian Steinebach <> wrote:
> >Hi Kevin!
> >
> >As mentioned in another post, I've uploaded a simplified version of
> >what I'm trying to do [1]
> >
> >The idea:
> >
> >A ToDoItem might have associated with it an execution plan with tasks.
> >The plan is something like
> >    go somewhere
> >    do that
> >    go somewhere else
> >    and do something else
> >
> >Several execution plans are generated and the user should select one to
> >fullfill the ToDoItem. For 'Buy Milk' it could be
> >
> >(1) - Go to the supermarket
> >    get some milk
> >    pay for the milk
> >    go home
> >
> >(2) - Go to the farm
> >    milk a cow
> >    pay the farmer
> >    go home
> >
> >etc. etc.
> >
> >In short:
> >class ExecutionPlan{
> >     List<ArrayList> getTasks();
> >}
> >class Task{
> >   properties where and what
> >}
> >class ExecutionPlanService {
> >   List<ExecutionPlan> getExecutionPlans(ToDoItem td);
> >// to generate candidates of execution plans
> >}
> >class ToDoItem{
> >   setExecutionPlan(executionPlan ep);
> >    List<ExecutionPlan> choicesExecutionPlan(){
> >           return executionPlanService.getExecutionPlans(this);
> >    }
> >}
> >
> >I've introduced another class
> >@NonPersistable
> >ExecutionPlanChooser{
> >......
> > public List<ExecutionPlan> choicesExecutionPlan(){
> >       return eps.getExecutionPlans(toDoItem);
> >    }
> >.....
> >}
> >
> >trying to follow a Process Object Pattern (from Dan's book).
> >In ExecutionPlanChooser the choicesExecutionPlan() is called 34 times
> >before I even hit the drop-down list once.
> >
> >To run what is there:
> >- install the fixtures
> >- Select 'all not completed yet'
> >- Select a ToDoItem
> >- Click on 'Choose Execution Plan' (in the upper right corner)
> >- Edit the displayed ExecutionPlanChooser
> >- Select an execution plan from the drop down list (there are 34*3 now
> >already)
> >- click OK
> >- Click on 'Do It' in the upper right corner. That will attach the
> >selected execution plan to the ToDoItem.
> >
> >Next time someone tries to choose an execution plan, there will be 69*3
> >execution plans to choose from. :-(
> >I'm obviously on the wrong track, but I'm out of ideas now.
> >
> >        Any help is very much appreciated
> >
> >                Christian
> >
> >
> >
> >[1]
> >
> >________________________________________
> >From: Kevin Meyer - KMZ []
> >Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 8:39 PM
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: Porting dddsample app
> >
> >Hi Christian,
> >
> >Is this [1] your git location? Have you recently commited what you've
> >got?
> >
> >I can take a look, but probably only tomorrow evening..
> >
> >Regards,
> >Kevin
> >
> >[1]
> >
> >On 11 Feb 2013 at 18:46, Christian Steinebach wrote:
> >
> >> Hi everybody!
> >>
> >> Is it possible (in isis) to achieve anything like the action
> >'Route-This-Cargo' in the dddsample application?
> >>
> >> If so, could you roughly outline how that behaviour could be
> >implemented?
> >> I've tried every solution I could imagine and some more, I'm getting
> >desperate.
> >>
> >>             Christian
> >>
> --
> Sent from my phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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