Hi, Eclipse has various perspectives. When developing Java, you usually use
one of this perspectives:  "Java" or "Java EE". Perspective "Java EE" comes
with specific Eclipse plugins - "J2EE Development" - see

I've observed that Datanucleus plugin and  "Add DataNucleus support"
appears only in if the perspective "Java" but not "Java EE". Maybe others
can confirm that, ff so, maybe somebody should update the instructions.

I'm using Juno on Windows 8.1 (all 64-bit versions) and have behaviour as


2014/1/2 <dave.po...@pinan.co.uk>

> hik list
> I am trying to follow the instructions
> http://isis.apache.org/components/objectstores/jdo/datanucleus-and-eclipse.html
> to add Data Nucleus to my copy Eclipse Version: Luna Release
> Build id: 20131219-0014, the Data Nucleus plugin is list as version 3.04.
> I do not see any of the 'Add DataNucleus support', on the dom project
> eclipse  properties menu, but it is listed when you click properties.
> On the same page, there is a section off code to add to a pom file, under
> the title 'Update the classpath', there is no version supplied which
> causes maven to barf when it see new dependency
> The platform is Windoz 7
> AM  I suffering from a version issues or is this case of out dated
> documentation?
> Dave.

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