Hi Ged.

Welcome to the Isis group.

I'm the one who posted that question and it was solved at that time.

Currently, we have a Bounded Context that has been implemented with Isis for the Domain Entities, and Drools for the Business Rules. 

And the news is that it works good :-)

There are some points to take into account.

It's a commercial project and we cannot reveal the source code, but if you start with a small prototype using Drools and Isis and publish it anywhere (github? bitbucket?), we can support you to make it run, and it can also be used as another Isis example project.

So no crazy at all!



El 24/02/2014, a las 17:56, Ged Byrne <ged.by...@gmail.com> escribió:

Hi All,

Has anybody done anything with Drools and Isis.

With version 5 JBoss introduced the ability to work with POJOs and JPA
entities as facts.

Now Drools 5 has taken POJO programming simplicity to its next level by
allowing programmers to insert POJOs as *facts* directly into a knowledge
session, or what a rule engine terms "working memory." This article
introduces a cost-effective and un-intrusive approach that manipulates JPA
entities as facts in Drools working memory. Continuous, real-time data
profiling has never been so easy.

I'd like to experiment with the idea of adding Isis entities as facts, and
keeping them connected.  Potentially connecting ISIS business rules support
with Drools and delegate see/use/do decisions to the session.

Is this all crazy talk?

Has anybody tried anything like this?

Does anybody have any pointers?

I note with interest this post from November:

I'm very grateful for the group's support.


Óscar Bou Bou
Responsable de Producto
Auditor Jefe de Certificación ISO 27001 en BSI

   902 900 231 / 620 267 520



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