Currently returning a URL will open the object in a new window.

I think the way to support this requirement is to write a new Wicket
ComponentFactory implementation for something like an iFrame, and then have
a bit of additional metadata (probably in @ActionLayout since it pertains
to the UI) which would act as a hint to this IFrame factory.

Don't think this would be too difficult to implement; just not done yet.

If you have an exact requirement, perhaps we could use that to drive
forward the design?


On 12 December 2014 at 11:27, GESCONSULTOR <> wrote:
> Is it possible for an action to return a URL and show it inside the webapp
> at full size (except menus)?
> How could it be achieved with the new design/annotations?
> That way we could easily integrate with other pages, web apps (reporting,
> dashboards, ...).
> Thanks,
> Oscar

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