Hi there, here my question I've posted in isis dev mailing list. Probably it is 
isis-users question.
Maybe someone can help me with a hint.


Anfang der weitergeleiteten E‑Mail:

> Von: Vladimir Nišević  <vnise...@gmail.com>
> Datum: 06. März 2015 10:00:53 MEZ
> An: "d...@isis.apache.org" <d...@isis.apache.org>
> Betreff: Entity action with Clob parameter thru restful service
> Hi, we want to expose upload file feature of an entity thru restful interface.
> According to restful spec https://github.com/danhaywood/restfulobjects-spec 
> it should go like this:
> 16.2.2 Request (if blobClobs)
> Updating blobClob properties is performed by PUTting the actual value
> (e.g. image), with appropriate content type.
> Note that optional validation (x-ro-validate-only) and domain type
> metadata preferences (x-ro-domain-model) are not supported for
> blobClobs.
> Query String
> · none
> Headers
> · Content-Type: (depends on property type)
> o eg image/jpeg, image/png, application/pdf
> · If-Match
> o timestamp digest
>  obtained from ETag header of representation
>  only validate the request, do not modify the property
> Body
> · a byte array (for blobs)
> · a character array (for clobs)
> So our method signature is:
>   public String uploadFile(Clob input) { ....}
> And calling restful description of single entity we get
> ...
> "uploadFile": {
> "id": "uploadFile",
> "memberType": "action",
> "links": [
> {
> "rel": "urn:org.restfulobjects:rels/details;action=\"uploadFile\"",
> "href": 
> "http://localhost:8080/restful/objects/ASE_BATCH_JOB/L_2354/actions/uploadFile";,
> "method": "GET",
> "type": 
> "application/json;profile=\"urn:org.restfulobjects:repr-types/object-action\""
> }
> ]
> }
> ...
> and  in the next step we have
> ...
> {
> "rel": "urn:org.restfulobjects:rels/invoke;action=\"uploadFile\"",
> "href": 
> "http://localhost:8080/restful/objects/ASE_BATCH_JOB/L_2354/actions/uploadFile/invoke";,
> "method": "POST",
> "type": 
> "application/json;profile=\"urn:org.restfulobjects:repr-types/object-action\"",
> "arguments": {
> "clob": {
> "value": null
> }
> }
> },
> ...
> So we have playing around with executing the methods thru e.g. postman 
> (chrome app), but with no success.
> Here our questions:
> 1. URL should be something like: 
> http://localhost:8080/restful/objects/ASE_BATCH_JOB/L_2354/actions/uploadFile/invoke
>  - this is pretty clear, I think...
> 2. Should we send PUT or POST Request ?
> 3. May we define a method with return value, e.g. String, or must be void?
> 4. Should we annotate our method  with @Action(semantics = 
> SemanticsOf.NON_IDEMPOTENT) ? Without annotations, Isis proposes the POST
> 5. We put in request header 
> Content-Type:text/plain
> Should we put something else/more? If-Match element? If yes which value? *
> 6. How the request body should look like?
> 6a: raw text ? e.g. ABC
> 6b: Json clob representation from previous description response
> {
> "clob": {
> "value": "ABC"
> }
> }
> 6c: Json value 
> {
> "value": "ABC"
> }
> Depending on request variants, we get different exceptions. So we are not 
> sure if we use it wrongly or we have a bug...
> Thanks,Vladmir

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