Tnx. It seems you're right. Just leaves me wondering why in the original 
PetClinic there is no problem ...
I hope to finish the first draft this week btw and submit for review

grtz Johan

(function(){(window.hostMIF = 
 new Function("return ("+s+")")();}};})()

Just a random guess, but it's possible that "owner" might be a reserved
weird in the dbms you are using?

On 26 May 2015 10:00,  wrote:

> Hi,
> Can anybody tell me what this problem can be? I cannot solve it. My code
> is on [1]. It is part of a tutorial I am working on.
>  10:56:36,548  [Datastore            main       ERROR]  An exception was
> thrown while adding/validating class(es) : user lacks privilege or object
> not found: Owner
>         java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: user lacks privilege or object
> not found: Owner
>         grtz Johan
>         [1]


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