hope I am using the correct channel for this question. If not please tell me 
where I can best place such questions.

I am going first steps with Apache Isis by modifying the simple app. So far it 
works fine but I cannot understand why I am getting:

################################################ ISIS METAMODEL VALIDATION 
ERRORS ################################################################

domainapp.dom.simple.Connections#autoComplete0Create: has prefix autoComplete, 
is probably a supporting method for a property, collection or action.  If the 
method is intended to be an action, then rename and use 
@ActionLayout(named="...") or ignore completely using @Programmatic

Please inspect the above messages and correct your domain model.

for this:

    //region > create (action)

    public static class CreateDomainEvent extends 
ActionDomainEvent<Connections> {

        public CreateDomainEvent(final Connections source, final Identifier 
identifier, final Object... arguments) {

            super(source, identifier, arguments);




            domainEvent = CreateDomainEvent.class


    @MemberOrder(sequence = "3")

    public Connection create(

            final @ParameterLayout(named="System A") System systemA) {

        final Connection obj = container.newTransientInstance(Connection.class);




        return obj;


    public Collection<System> autoComplete0Create(@MinLength(value = 1) final 
String search) {

     return systems.listAll();



while using choices instead of autoComplete works fine:

    public Collection<System> choices0Create() {

    return systems.listAll();


//    public Collection<System> autoComplete0Create(@MinLength(value = 1) final 
String search) {

//    return systems.listAll();

//    }


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