Partly in response to the RAD Race note that Dan has put online, I am
interested to discuss the usefulness, and current limitations of, using
JMock with Isis.

I am a learner here so it may be that what  I say is wrong, but better to
learn the easy way, by asking.

What I read from Martin Fowler is that a Mock framework, or that approach
in general, is different to traditional TDD in that it allows you to test
the behaviour of the system better.

What I perceive is that with a dependency injection framework, this
capability is limited, you can only pass a Mocked container to the first
object in a sequence easily, if that object calls other objects, which also
need to access the container for dependencies (e.g. domain services to
create new objects), then things are not simple.

Regarding RAD, it seems that with an IDE you can design your object model
in the process of building your tests. If I define a sequence of
interations between objects (the message passing analogy) in my Mock test
sequence, then each new object method needed can be quickly added to the
respective object class definition.

A nice programming workflow would seem to be: create the mocked sequences,
in the process define the object methods, implement the methods, with unit
tests as needed if involve complexity (over and above get/set)

This seems to me to be fully TDD. When I write OO code without tests a UML
sequence diagram is mostly what I am thinking of, either a mental one or
one on paper. By adding Mocks I can speadily get this design into a coded
form as a mock test and then implement the details, its going from the big
picture down to the small. Without such an approach I would work the other
way, building upwards to get a complete working system, before being able
see, and refactor, the behaviour I want.

So, a question is: Is this already possible?

If not, then maybe the solution is to create something like the wrap
method, one that turns the Apache Isis DI container itself into a Mock
framework? At the minimum this would abstract all the datanucleus calls and
allow me to define the order of creation of all new objects as an

A small question re the RAD Race (Dan/Jeroen), was the support for XLS
provided by Datanucleus not sufficient to use for loading of fixtures
directly from the spreadsheets? Maybe mapping was the problem?

Steve Cameron

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