So much truth in your words David!

Would really appreciate if someone can find Richards blog.

@Dan: many thanks for sharing your RAD Race experience.


> Am 06.10.2015 um 05:26 schrieb David Tildesley <>:
> Hi Stephen,
>> On Tuesday, 6 October 2015 12:20 AM, Stephen Cameron 
>> <> wrote:
>> In fact as configurable systems get more and more complex, the need 
>> for>programming disappears, to be replaced by 'configurators' (business
>> analysts?) tweeking workflow and rules engines.
> I have seen such an approach almost ruin a business and I have yet to witness 
> a successful example. It's akin to the early SOA hype concepts (you know, the 
> forms based "UI" calling enterprise services that invoke workflow in workflow 
> engines that invoke rules in rules engines and the so called "composite 
> application"). Some very expensive lessons indeed. SOA has found it's 
> rightful place in the enterprise albeit vastly scaled back in ambition. 
> Richard Pawson wrote a blog on "workflow-a-triumph-of-hope-over-experience" 
> but unfortunately the web has lost it like it loses so many gems. Maybe 
> Richard will re-post it somewhere if he is reading this.
> Long live DDD :)
> Cheers,David.

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