My silly mistake!

On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 8:40 PM, Stephen Cameron <
> wrote:

> That is not the problem then,
> Its a bit bizarre actually, I generated some logging and added some
> messages, I see that two objects Participation and Participant do have
> their region value set but the Person object doesn't.
> All these objects extend the same base class, but  the SQL insert created
> for Person doesn't have the value whereas it does for the others.
> The code is as follows:
>     @Programmatic
>     public void setUpdatedBy(String updatedBy) {
>         if (getCreatedBy() == null) {
>             setCreatedBy(updatedBy);
>             System.out.println(">>>updatedBy: " + updatedBy);
>             if (userRepository != null) {
>                 System.out.println(">>>repositoryExists");
>                 ApplicationUser user =
> userRepository.findByUsername(updatedBy);
>                 if (user != null && user.getTenancy() != null) {
>                     String path = user.getTenancy().getPath();
>                     String name = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/") +
> 1);
>                     if (name.isEmpty())
>                         name = "GLOBAL";
>                     System.out.println(">>>setting Region for name: " +
> name);
>                     setRegion(regions.regionForName(name));
>                 }else{
>                     System.out.println(">>>>user tenancy not found");
>                     setRegion(regions.regionForName("GLOBAL")); //TODO
> temp fix
>                 }
>             }
>             else{
>                 System.out.println(">>>userRepository is null");
>                 setRegion(regions.regionForName("GLOBAL")); //TODO temp fix
>             }
>         } else
>             setLastModifiedBy(updatedBy);
>     }
> The stdout:
> 20:20:25,720  [Native               qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  SELECT
> '' AS
> NUCLEUS_TYPE,a0.createdby,a0.createdon,a0.lastmodifiedby,a0.lastmodifiedon,a0.birthdate,,a0.emailaddress,a0.firstname,a0.homephonenumber,a0.middlename,a0.mobilephonenumber,a0.oldid,a0.preferredname,a0.surname,a0.person_id
> FROM person a0 WHERE a0.surname = <'Ncks'>
> >>>updatedBy: sven
> >>>repositoryExists
> 20:20:25,732  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,732  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,732  [Native               qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  SELECT
> '' AS
> NUCLEUS_TYPE,a0.accounttype,a0.emailaddress,a0.encryptedpassword,a0.familyname,a0.faxnumber,a0.givenname,a0.knownas,a0.phonenumber,a0.status,a0.username,
>,a0.version FROM applicationuser a0 WHERE a0.username = <'sven'>
> >>>setting Region for name: GLOBAL
> 20:20:25,738  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,738  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,738  [Native               qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  SELECT
> '' AS
> NUCLEUS_TYPE,a0.`name` FROM region a0 WHERE a0.`name` = <'GLOBAL'>
> 20:20:25,785  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Using
> PreparedStatement
> "" for
> connection
> "$PoolGuardConnectionWrapper@15e2c48d
> "
> 20:20:25,785  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Using
> PreparedStatement
> "" for
> connection
> "$PoolGuardConnectionWrapper@15e2c48d
> "
> 20:20:25,792  [Native               qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  INSERT INTO
> person
> (birthdate,contacttype_name,email,emailaddress,englishskill_englishskill_id,firstname,homephonenumber,mailaddress_location_id,middlename,mobilephonenumber,oldid,preferredname,region_name,salutation_name,streetaddress_location_id,surname,createdby,createdon,lastmodifiedby,lastmodifiedon)
> (<1960-10-19>,<null>,<null>,<null>,<null>,<'Stevie'>,<null>,<null>,<null>,<null>,<null>,<null>,<null>,<null>,<null>,<'Nicks'>,<'sven'>,<2015-11-26
> 20:20:25.74>,<null>,<null>)
> 20:20:25,795  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> ""
> 20:20:25,795  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> ""
> >>>updatedBy: sven
> >>>repositoryExists
> 20:20:25,808  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,808  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,809  [Native               qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  SELECT
> '' AS
> NUCLEUS_TYPE,a0.accounttype,a0.emailaddress,a0.encryptedpassword,a0.familyname,a0.faxnumber,a0.givenname,a0.knownas,a0.phonenumber,a0.status,a0.username,
>,a0.version FROM applicationuser a0 WHERE a0.username = <'sven'>
> >>>setting Region for name: GLOBAL
> 20:20:25,812  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,812  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,812  [Native               qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  SELECT
> '' AS
> NUCLEUS_TYPE,a0.`name` FROM region a0 WHERE a0.`name` = <'GLOBAL'>
> 20:20:25,815  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Using
> PreparedStatement
> "" for
> connection
> "$PoolGuardConnectionWrapper@15e2c48d
> "
> 20:20:25,815  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Using
> PreparedStatement
> "" for
> connection
> "$PoolGuardConnectionWrapper@15e2c48d
> "
> 20:20:25,816  [Native               qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  INSERT INTO
> participant
> (lifehistory_lifehistory_id,loneliness_loneliness_id,person_person_id,socialfactors_socialfactors_id,status,createdby,createdon,lastmodifiedby,lastmodifiedon,region_name)
> VALUES (<null>,<null>,<8>,<null>,<'ACTIVE'>,<'sven'>,<2015-11-26
> 20:20:25.814>,<null>,<null>,<'GLOBAL'>)
> 20:20:25,817  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> ""
> 20:20:25,817  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> ""
> 20:20:25,825  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,825  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,826  [Native               qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  SELECT
> '' AS
> NUCLEUS_TYPE,a0.createdby,a0.createdon,a0.lastmodifiedby,a0.lastmodifiedon,a0.dropofftime,a0.oldid,a0.pickuptime,a0.roleid,a0.transportnotes,a0.participation_id
> FROM participation a0 WHERE a0.activity_activity_id = <1>
> 20:20:25,831  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> ""
> 20:20:25,831  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> ""
> 20:20:25,832  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,832  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,832  [Native               qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  SELECT
> b0.createdby,b0.createdon,b0.lastmodifiedby,b0.lastmodifiedon,b0.approximateenddatetime,b0.copiedfromactivityid,b0.costforparticipant,b0.description,b0.isrestricted,b0.`name`,b0.oldid,b0.scheduleid,b0.startdatetime,b0.activity_id,b0.classifier
> FROM participation a0 INNER JOIN activity b0 ON a0.activity_activity_id =
> b0.activity_id WHERE a0.participation_id = <3>
> 20:20:25,835  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> ""
> 20:20:25,835  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> ""
> 20:20:25,836  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,836  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,837  [Native               qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  SELECT
> b0.createdby,b0.createdon,b0.lastmodifiedby,b0.lastmodifiedon,b0.status,b0.participant_id
> FROM participation a0 INNER JOIN participant b0 ON
> a0.participant_participant_id = b0.participant_id WHERE a0.participation_id
> = <3>
> 20:20:25,839  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> ""
> 20:20:25,839  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> ""
> 20:20:25,840  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,840  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,840  [Native               qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  SELECT
> b0.createdby,b0.createdon,b0.lastmodifiedby,b0.lastmodifiedon,b0.birthdate,,b0.emailaddress,b0.firstname,b0.homephonenumber,b0.middlename,b0.mobilephonenumber,b0.oldid,b0.preferredname,b0.surname,b0.person_id
> FROM participant a0 INNER JOIN person b0 ON a0.person_person_id =
> b0.person_id WHERE a0.participant_id = <3>
> 20:20:25,843  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> ""
> 20:20:25,843  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> ""
> 20:20:25,844  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,844  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,844  [Native               qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  SELECT
> b0.createdby,b0.createdon,b0.lastmodifiedby,b0.lastmodifiedon,b0.approximateenddatetime,b0.copiedfromactivityid,b0.costforparticipant,b0.description,b0.isrestricted,b0.`name`,b0.oldid,b0.scheduleid,b0.startdatetime,b0.activity_id,b0.classifier
> FROM participation a0 INNER JOIN activity b0 ON a0.activity_activity_id =
> b0.activity_id WHERE a0.participation_id = <6>
> 20:20:25,845  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> ""
> 20:20:25,845  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> ""
> 20:20:25,846  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,846  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,846  [Native               qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  SELECT
> b0.createdby,b0.createdon,b0.lastmodifiedby,b0.lastmodifiedon,b0.status,b0.participant_id
> FROM participation a0 INNER JOIN participant b0 ON
> a0.participant_participant_id = b0.participant_id WHERE a0.participation_id
> = <6>
> 20:20:25,848  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> ""
> 20:20:25,848  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> ""
> 20:20:25,849  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,849  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,849  [Native               qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  SELECT
> b0.createdby,b0.createdon,b0.lastmodifiedby,b0.lastmodifiedon,b0.birthdate,,b0.emailaddress,b0.firstname,b0.homephonenumber,b0.middlename,b0.mobilephonenumber,b0.oldid,b0.preferredname,b0.surname,b0.person_id
> FROM participant a0 INNER JOIN person b0 ON a0.person_person_id =
> b0.person_id WHERE a0.participant_id = <6>
> 20:20:25,852  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> ""
> 20:20:25,852  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> ""
> 20:20:25,853  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,853  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,854  [Native               qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  SELECT
> b0.createdby,b0.createdon,b0.lastmodifiedby,b0.lastmodifiedon,b0.approximateenddatetime,b0.copiedfromactivityid,b0.costforparticipant,b0.description,b0.isrestricted,b0.`name`,b0.oldid,b0.scheduleid,b0.startdatetime,b0.activity_id,b0.classifier
> FROM participation a0 INNER JOIN activity b0 ON a0.activity_activity_id =
> b0.activity_id WHERE a0.participation_id = <7>
> 20:20:25,855  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> ""
> 20:20:25,855  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> ""
> 20:20:25,856  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,856  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,856  [Native               qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  SELECT
> b0.createdby,b0.createdon,b0.lastmodifiedby,b0.lastmodifiedon,b0.status,b0.participant_id
> FROM participation a0 INNER JOIN participant b0 ON
> a0.participant_participant_id = b0.participant_id WHERE a0.participation_id
> = <7>
> 20:20:25,858  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> ""
> 20:20:25,858  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> ""
> 20:20:25,859  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,859  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,859  [Native               qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  SELECT
> b0.createdby,b0.createdon,b0.lastmodifiedby,b0.lastmodifiedon,b0.birthdate,,b0.emailaddress,b0.firstname,b0.homephonenumber,b0.middlename,b0.mobilephonenumber,b0.oldid,b0.preferredname,b0.surname,b0.person_id
> FROM participant a0 INNER JOIN person b0 ON a0.person_person_id =
> b0.person_id WHERE a0.participant_id = <7>
> 20:20:25,863  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> ""
> 20:20:25,863  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> ""
> >>>updatedBy: sven
> >>>repositoryExists
> 20:20:25,871  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,871  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,871  [Native               qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  SELECT
> '' AS
> NUCLEUS_TYPE,a0.accounttype,a0.emailaddress,a0.encryptedpassword,a0.familyname,a0.faxnumber,a0.givenname,a0.knownas,a0.phonenumber,a0.status,a0.username,
>,a0.version FROM applicationuser a0 WHERE a0.username = <'sven'>
> >>>setting Region for name: GLOBAL
> 20:20:25,875  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,875  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Closing
> PreparedStatement
> "
> "
> 20:20:25,881  [Native               qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  SELECT
> '' AS
> NUCLEUS_TYPE,a0.`name` FROM region a0 WHERE a0.`name` = <'GLOBAL'>
> 20:20:25,885  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Using
> PreparedStatement
> "" for
> connection
> "$PoolGuardConnectionWrapper@15e2c48d
> "
> 20:20:25,885  [Datastore            qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  Using
> PreparedStatement
> "" for
> connection
> "$PoolGuardConnectionWrapper@15e2c48d
> "
> 20:20:25,886  [Native               qtp209845522-18 DEBUG]  INSERT INTO
> participation
> (activity_activity_id,arrivingtransporttype_name,departingtransporttype_name,dropofftime,oldid,participant_participant_id,pickuptime,roleid,transportnotes,createdby,createdon,lastmodifiedby,lastmodifiedon,region_name)
> (<1>,<null>,<null>,<null>,<null>,<8>,<null>,<null>,<null>,<'sven'>,<2015-11-26
> 20:20:25.883>,<null>,<null>,<'GLOBAL'>)
> On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 8:11 PM, Dan Haywood <
> > wrote:
>> If you just new them up:
>> Customer cust = new Customer();
>> then the framework doesn't know about it and any services will be null.
>> You can then use:
>> domainObjectContainer.injectServicesInto(cust);
>> ~~~
>> Alternatively, use:
>> Customer cust = container.newTransientInstance(Customer.class);
>> to do both steps in one.
>> HTH
>> Dan
>> On 26 November 2015 at 09:09, Stephen Cameron <
>> >
>> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I think I've read somewhere that domain services aren't always injected
>> > into entities by default and you sometimes have to trigger this
>> yourself?
>> >
>> > Is this a correct?
>> >
>> > Thank
>> >
>> >
>> > On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 10:00 AM, Stephen Cameron <
>> >> wrote:
>> >
>> > > I cannot try alternatives till later this evening, will let you know
>> > > of results. If I cannot get tenancies working for tomorrow its not the
>> > end
>> > > of the world. I was getting "record not found" errors last night due
>> to
>> > > making region allowsNull="false", so a bit of a panic, given its
>> > > mostly been working very smoothly now for a while.
>> > >
>> > > On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 9:40 AM, Dan Haywood <
>> >
>> > > > wrote:
>> > >
>> > >> On 25 November 2015 at 22:26, Stephen Cameron <
>> >
>> > >> >
>> > >> wrote:
>> > >>
>> > >> > Hi Dan,
>> > >> >
>> > >> > I did not explain it that well sorry.
>> > >> >
>> > >> > I want to get rid of nulls completely, the fact that I do handle
>> them
>> > is
>> > >> > just a work-around for the fact that they are still being created,
>> but
>> > >> only
>> > >> > for People. That is, if a new Participant is registered it looks to
>> > see
>> > >> if
>> > >> > there is an existing Person with the same details then adds a new
>> one
>> > if
>> > >> > not present (a single Person can be a Participant and/or a
>> Volunteer).
>> > >> The
>> > >> > Participant is getting its region set in setUpdatedBy() but the
>> Person
>> > >> is
>> > >> > not, I need to debug this.
>> > >> >
>> > >> >
>> > >> In 1.10.0, a better approach is probably to add a subscriber to the
>> > >> lifecycle events:
>> > >>
>> > >> @DomainService(nature=NatureOfService.DOMAIN)
>> > >> public class RegionSubscriber extends AbstractSubscriber {
>> > >>
>> > >>     @Subscribe
>> > >>     public void on(ObjectPersistingEvent ev) {
>> > >>         Object domainObject = ev.getSource();
>> > >>     }
>> > >>
>> > >>     @Subscribe
>> > >>     public void on(ObjectUpdatingEvent ev) {
>> > >>         Object domainObject = ev.getSource();
>> > >>     }
>> > >> }
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >> > As general interest is handling such things via such a service
>> better,
>> > >> that
>> > >> > is to avoid injecting services into entities if possible?
>> > >> >
>> > >> >
>> > >> There's nothing wrong with injecting services into entities; it
>> allows
>> > >> them
>> > >> to perform their responsibilities without leaking details of how
>> they do
>> > >> it
>> > >> (their implementation) to the caller.  I don't hold by this "pass in
>> the
>> > >> services" and "double dispatch"... I see that as a code smell.
>> > >>
>> > >> On the other hand, we now have a very rich set of domain events; in
>> AOP
>> > >> terms these are jointpoints (or is it pointcuts? see [1]), anyway
>> they
>> > are
>> > >> a different way to cause "stuff to happen".
>> > >>
>> > >> Should one have the entity call a services, or rely on subscribers to
>> > >> domain events?  With the latter, the entity is very clean and the
>> > >> responsibility kept completely separate.  On the other hand, with
>> events
>> > >> the order in which the subscribers fire is non-deterministic.
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >> > Last minute tweeks aren't the best idea, but the tests that I do
>> have
>> > >> are
>> > >> > proving their value. These particular issues are probably a result
>> of
>> > no
>> > >> > integration tests yet.
>> > >> >
>> > >> >
>> > >> It's not clear to me if my suggestion to use the TenancyEvaluator SPI
>> > >> helped ?  Or, indeed, whether you have a reasonable workaround in
>> your
>> > >> current handling of the nulls?
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >> > Thanks
>> > >> >
>> > >> >
>> > >>
>> > >> [1]
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> >
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >> > On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 8:09 AM, Dan Haywood <
>> > >>
>> > >> > >
>> > >> > wrote:
>> > >> >
>> > >> > > Hi Steve,
>> > >> > >
>> > >> > > Not sure I follow quite all the ins-and-outs of this, but what
>> could
>> > >> well
>> > >> > > be of use is the optional ApplicationTenancyPathEvaluator domain
>> > >> > > service[1].  If an implementation is registered (on the
>> classpath),
>> > >> then
>> > >> > > the security module will delegate to this [2] in order to
>> determine
>> > >> who
>> > >> > > gets to see/edit what.
>> > >> > >
>> > >> > > From what I did follow, it sounds like you need to treat objects
>> > with
>> > >> a
>> > >> > > null region in a particular way? If so, then hopefully you can
>> put
>> > >> this
>> > >> > > "special case" logic in an implementation of said service.
>> > >> > >
>> > >> > > HTH
>> > >> > > Dan
>> > >> > >
>> > >> > >
>> > >> > >
>> > >> > > [1]
>> > >> > >
>> > >> > >
>> > >> >
>> > >>
>> >
>> > >> > > [2]
>> > >> > >
>> > >> > >
>> > >> >
>> > >>
>> >
>> > >> > >
>> > >> > >
>> > >> > > On 25 November 2015 at 20:25, Stephen Cameron <
>> > >> >>
>> > >> > > wrote:
>> > >> > >
>> > >> > > > Hi,
>> > >> > > >
>> > >> > > > I have a problem with Application Tenancies not working the
>> way I
>> > >> > want, I
>> > >> > > > want to drive it off a field 'region', such that a person is
>> > >> assigned a
>> > >> > > > tenancy of GLOBAL, NORTH, SOUTH, NORTH-WEST and these are also
>> the
>> > >> > > regions
>> > >> > > > that they are working in too, so when they create a record
>> their
>> > >> region
>> > >> > > > gets assigned to the new record and that controls who else can
>> see
>> > >> the
>> > >> > > > record.
>> > >> > > >
>> > >> > > > This mostly works, but there is one small glitch. The main
>> > problem I
>> > >> > have
>> > >> > > > is setting it up so that region is non-null and any records
>> > created
>> > >> by
>> > >> > a
>> > >> > > > GLOBAL tenancy user are seen by all users, while those created
>> by
>> > a
>> > >> > > NORTH,
>> > >> > > > SOUTH or NORTH-WEST user are seen only by users with the same
>> > >> tenancy.
>> > >> > By
>> > >> > > > changing the region of a record it can change tenancy.
>> > >> > > >
>> > >> > > > Presently this is broken, or at least it I think it was working
>> > >> > correctly
>> > >> > > > when I allowed a record with a region of null to be the GLOBAL
>> > >> ones. I
>> > >> > > need
>> > >> > > > to have this working for a demo tomorrow, so advice is
>> welcomed on
>> > >> how
>> > >> > > best
>> > >> > > > to set this up properly.
>> > >> > > >
>> > >> > > > My base class that controls all this here:
>> > >> > > >
>> > >> > > >
>> > >> > >
>> > >> >
>> > >>
>> >
>> > >> > > >
>> > >> > > > The other small glitch is that a person record created in the
>> > >> process
>> > >> > of
>> > >> > > > creating a participant doesn't get assigned a region
>> > automatically.
>> > >> I
>> > >> > > have
>> > >> > > > a work-around for that in place at present, anything that has a
>> > null
>> > >> > > region
>> > >> > > > gets presented as having a global tenancy.
>> > >> > > >
>> > >> > > >
>> > >> > > > Thanks
>> > >> > > >
>> > >> > > > Steve Cameron
>> > >> > > >
>> > >> > >
>> > >> >
>> > >>
>> > >
>> > >
>> >

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