Actually, let me have a second go at answering this...

I think you probably just want a dependent choices...

public CustomerOrder addCustomerOrderPayment(
            CustomerOrder customerOrder,
            CustomerSubscription customerSubscription    )
public List autoComplete0AddCustomerOrderPayment(String search) {
    // return list of customers
public List choices1AddCustomerOrderPayment(CustomerOrder customerOrder) {
    // return list of subscriptions for the customer
(customerOrder.getCustomer(), presumably).

I can't remember whether its autocomplete or choices that doesn't support
dependencies like this; one does, one doesn't.  Try it out and see.


On 26 November 2015 at 16:47, Dan Haywood <>

> Hmm, it's a good question.
> Ultimately what goes in the autoComplete is up to you... it takes a string
> but that doesn't have to map to any particular property.
> As a little experiment, I just tweaked the todoapp's ToDoItem#autoComplete
> for adding dependencies.  Normally this searches on the description, but I
> could change it to also allow the string to match all item in a given
> category:
>     @Programmatic // not part of metamodel
>     public List<ToDoItem> autoComplete(final String description) {
>         final SortedSet<ToDoItem> items = Sets.newTreeSet();
>         items.addAll(toDoItemRepository
>                 .findByAtPathAndDescriptionContains(currentUsersAtPath(),
> description));
>         // this is the new bit
>         try {
>             final Category category =
> Category.valueOf(description.toUpperCase());
>             items.addAll(toDoItemRepository
>                     .findByAtPathAndCategory(currentUsersAtPath(),
> category));
>         } catch(Exception ex) {
>         }
>         // end of the new bit
>         return Lists.newArrayList(items);
>     }
> which gives the result as shown in this screenshot [1]
> Hopefully that might give some ideas for your use case.
> Thx
> Dan
> [1]
> On 19 November 2015 at 00:05, Cesar Lugo <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> So far, when I have created action methods that prompts for some domain
>> object(s) as parameters, I have used the autoCompleteRepository definition
>> within the @DomainObject annotation, which works great in the Wicket
>> Viewer
>> for finding entities using a string property. I have some cases where the
>> domain object used as a parameter within the action method does not
>> contain
>> string properties, but I need to ask it as a parameter. The user could
>> select it in the Wicket Viewer parameters dialog using a combination of a
>> numeric (Long) customerSubscriptionId field plus a string obtained from
>> another related parent entity (Customer's name), or just by picking it
>> from
>> a list of customerSubscriptionId's .Is there a suggested alternative
>> approach for that?
>> Class: CustomerSubscription, properties:
>>                private Long customerSubscriptionId;
>> private Customer customer;
>> Class: Customer, properties:
>>                private string customerId;
>> private string name;
>> Action method:
>> public CustomerOrder addCustomerOrderPayment(
>>             final @ParameterLayout(named="Customer Order") CustomerOrder
>> customerOrder,
>>             final @Parameter(optionality = Optionality.OPTIONAL)
>> @ParameterLayout(named="Customer Subscription")
>> CustomerSubscription customerSubscription
>>     )
>>     {
>>                ...
>>         container.persistIfNotAlready(obj);
>>         return obj.getCustomerOrder();
>>     }
>> I thought of defining a JDO query within customerSubscription that queries
>> customerSubscriptionId and customer.getName and then use the auto complete
>> repository with the combination of both. Any suggestions will be
>> appreciated.
>> Cesar.
>> ---
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