> Person
> - String name
> Template
> - String name
> - String field1
> - boolean otherBunchOfProperties
> PersonTemplate
> - Person person
> - Template template

> I want to query all Persons along with their corresponding Template 
> through PersonTemplate. 
> Adding the Template property to Person is not an option. At the moment, 
> we resorted to generating a query per Person to check PersonTemplate 
> just for prototyping purposes.. but we really have to fix this soon.

No idea why you'd contemplate JPQL, it is way less flexible than JDOQL, and 
always better to stick to Java syntax in Java code IMHO. 

You don't define the precise query wanted, but suggest that you start from

SELECT FROM mydomain.Person WHERE tmpl.person == this 
VARIABLES mydomain.PersonTemplate tmpl

so you can then refer to your associated PersonTemplate object and its 
"template" field via "tmpl.template", and impose further constraints in the 
WHERE clause.

Should this generate SQL with a different JOIN type to what you would prefer 
then you can specify the join for the variable as per this page


Look for *datanucleus.query.jdoql.{varName}.join* on this page

DataNucleus (Web: http://www.datanucleus.org   Twitter: @datanucleus)

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