Hi all,

I have a jaxb annotated view model which have several fields with getters and setters. I want to override the getter of a specific field so that different value will appear on the UI. But the original getter should not be changed.


|public class LibraryMember { private String bookType; public String getBookType() { ... } public void setBoookType(String bookType) { ... } }|

In the above example, can I override getBookType() so that a different value will render on the wicket viewer? I should be able to update the getter like this,

|public String updateBookType( if(this.getBookType.equals("N")) return "novel"; else return "Misc"; }|

I have restrictions like I cannot change the original class. Can I use a DomainService or some other inbuilt implementation of ISIS to achieve my objective without altering my original class?
Any help would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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