Hi dan, updating

I could resolve my problem,I had wrong mi JSON sintax:

    shoppingCart: {
        value: { href: 
    item: {
        value: { href: "" }
    businessLocation: {
        value: { href: 
"" }
    quantity: 1

in quantity parameter has been the mistake, should be:

quantity: {
        value: 1

thanks for all...
De: Dan Haywood <d...@haywood-associates.co.uk>
Enviado: miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2016 01:27 a. m.
Para: users
Asunto: Re: "invalidReason":"Expected a link (because this object's type is not 
a value)

It does look correct to me, what you are doing.

Dia it written on when you use Postman or similar from Chrome?

If you could provide a test app on github demonstrating the problem, then
I'll take a deeper look.

I'll also record a screencast tomorrow to show how to use the API from
chrome, at least, for actions that take object ref. args.
On 2 Mar 2016 00:42, "Arturo Ulises Castañeda Estrada" <
arturo.castan...@sisorg.com.mx> wrote:

> Hi, Dan
> when i consuming the WS the format header is right (section: Query String
> Parameters) but the server response is wrong and i get the error: "Expected
> a link (because this object's type is not a value) but found no 'href'", i
> understand that is because expects an 'href' but the sever response is not
> recognising JSON notation
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Params send with post AngularJS
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> params: {
>         shoppingCart: {
>             value: { href: "
>           },
>         item: {
>             value: { href: "
>" }
>           },
>         businessLocation: {
>             value: { href: "
>" }
>           },
>         quantity: 1
>       }
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Headers
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Remote Address:
> Request URL:
> Request Method:POST
> Status Code:422 Unprocessable Entity
> Request Headersview source
> Accept:application/json, text/plain, */*
> Accept-Encoding:gzip, deflate
> Accept-Language:en-US
> Authorization:Basic c3ZlbjpwYXNz
> Connection:keep-alive
> Content-Length:0
> Host:
> Origin:file://
> User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.1.1; Android SDK built for x86_64
> Build/LMY48X) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/
> Mobile Safari/537.36
> X-DevTools-Emulate-Network-Conditions-Client-Id:BC62CDDC-B522-4AAF-810D-B18898505A94
> X-Requested-With:com.ionicframework.yomiprot450452
> Query String Parametersview sourceview URL encoded
> businessLocation:{"value":{"href":"
> item:{"value":{"href":""}}
> quantity:1
> shoppingCart:{"value":{"href":"
> Response Headersview source
> Content-Length:694
> Content-Type:application/json
> Date:Wed, 02 Mar 2016 00:15:26 GMT
> Server:Jetty(9.3.2.v20150730)
> Warning:199 RestfulObjects Validation failed, see body for details
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Preview
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> businessLocation: {value: "{"value":{"href":"
> item: {value: "{"value":{"href":"
> quantity: {value: 1}
> shoppingCart: {value: "{"value":{"href":"
> x-ro-invalidReason: "'Shopping Cart' is mandatory"
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Response
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> {"shoppingCart":{"value":"{\"value\":{\"href\":\"
> a link (because this object's type is not a value) but found no
> 'href'"},"item":{"value":"{\"value\":{\"href\":\"
> a link (because this object's type is not a value) but found no
> 'href'"},"quantity":{"value":1},"businessLocation":{"value":"{\"value\":{\"href\":\"
> a link (because this object's type is not a value) but found no
> 'href'"},"x-ro-invalidReason":"'Shopping Cart' is mandatory"}

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