Does this help?

Wicket.Ajax:  Wicket.Ajax.Call.processEvaluation: Exception evaluating 
javascript: TypeError: $(...).code is not a function, text: 
(function(){;(function() {
    var summernoteConfig = 
    var summernote = $('#'+summernoteConfig.summernoteEditorId);

    var toolbar = [];
    $.each(summernoteConfig.ToolbarOptions, function(key, value) {
        var category = [];

    var summernoteConfigDefault = {
        toolbar : toolbar,
        onImageUpload : function(files) {
            var files = $(files);
            var filesSize = files.length;
            var overlay;

            // Show Overlay
            var overlayTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
                overlay = $("<div 
                new Spinner({color:'#fff'}).spin(overlay[0]);
            }, summernoteConfig.overlayTimeout);

            files.each(function() {
                var file = this;
                var data = new FormData();
                data.append("file", file);
                url = summernoteConfig.imageUploadUrl;
                    data : data,
                    headers : {
                        "Wicket-Ajax" : "true",
                        "Wicket-Ajax-BaseURL" : Wicket.Ajax.baseUrl
                    type : "POST",
                    url : url,
                    cache : false,
                    contentType : false,
                    processData : false,
                    success : function(res, status, xhr) {
                        // Insert image
                        var imageUrl = xhr.getResponseHeader("imageUrl");
                        var decodedImageUrl = 
                        imageUrl = imageUrl.replace(/(image=)[^&]*/, '$1' + 
$('#'+summernoteConfig.summernoteEditorId).summernote('insertImage', imageUrl);

                        // Hide Overlay
                        filesSize -= 1;
                        if (!filesSize) {
                            if(overlay) {

    $.extend(summernoteConfigDefault, summernoteConfig);

})();(function(){$('#editor300').summernote('code', 'The <span 
style=\"background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);\">captain</span> has a green <span 
style=\"background-color: rgb(0, 255, 0);\">ship</span> with 3 <span 
style=\"background-color: rgb(255, 255, 
<span style=\"background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);\">captain</span> has a green 
<span style=\"background-color: rgb(0, 255, 0);\">ship</span> with 3 <span 
style=\"background-color: rgb(255, 255, 
0);\">liferafts</span><br>')})();(function(){(function($) { 
$('#autoComplete301').select2({"formatNoMatches":function() { return 'No 
matches found';},"formatInputTooShort":function(input, min) { return min - 
input.length == 1 ? 'Please enter 1 more character' : 'Please enter {number} 
more characters'.replace('{number}', min - input.length); 
},"formatSelectionTooBig":function(limit) { return limit == 1 ? 'You can only 
select 1 item' : 'You can only select {limit} items'.replace('{limit}', limit); 
},"formatLoadMore":function() { return 'Loading more 
results...';},"formatSearching":function() { return 
'Searching...';},"ajax":{"data":function(term, page) { return { term: term, 
page:page, 'wicket-ajax':true, 'wicket-ajax-baseurl':[window.location.protocol, 
'//',, window.location.pathname].join('')}; 
},"dataType":"json","quietMillis":100,"results":function(data, page) { return 
 })(jQuery);})();(function(){(function($) { 
{"id":"SOLASCHAPTER:5^2:ecompliance:","text":"EU DIRECTIVE  1 -  ARTICLE  1"}); 

Med vennlig hilsen / Best regards,
Marianne Hagaseth
Forsker – Maritime transportsystemer
Research Scientist – Maritime Transport Systems

MARINTEK (Norsk Marinteknisk Forskningsinstitutt AS)
Address:  POB 4125 Valentinlyst, NO-7450 Trondheim, Norway
Mobile:   +47 90 95 64 69 -  Phone: +47 464 15 000

From: Marianne Hagaseth []
Sent: 21. mars 2016 21:36
Subject: Summernote and list view


The AnnotatedText field is annoated with @SummernoteEditor(height = 100, 
maxHeight = 300)

But something strange happens when the object is listed in a 
collection/sortedSet: The Field label is repeated in the field itself. Do you 
know why this happens?

Also, it fails when I press Edit and then OK, even if no changes to the object 
has been done.


Med vennlig hilsen / Best regards,

Marianne Hagaseth

Forsker – Maritime transportsystemer

Research Scientist – Maritime Transport Systems

MARINTEK (Norsk Marinteknisk Forskningsinstitutt AS)

Address:  POB 4125 Valentinlyst, NO-7450 Trondheim, Norway

Mobile:   +47 90 95 64 69 -  Phone: +47 464 15 000


-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Grigorov []
Sent: 25. januar 2016 21:20
To: users
Subject: Re: Summernote and Code view?

Hello Marianne,

On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 6:30 PM, Marianne Hagaseth <<>>

> Hi,

> Thanks a lot for this summernote editor integration!



> Just two questions:


> 1)      How do I enter the code view text to the domain property? For

> instance, I want to set a String property of a Domain object to for

> instance " <span style="background-color: inherit;"><span

> style="background-color: yellow;">

</span><span style="background-color: yellow;"><br></span>". The result of

> this then should be that the words 'Passenger ships' are highlighted

> in yellow.


In your domain object you have to add a property like:

i.e. a String property annotated with @SummernoteEditor The value of this 
String property is HTML snippet like the one you mentioned above.

I'd generate it the first time with Summernote itself.

I just did it for you at and it


<span style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: arial, sans-serif;

font-size: small; line-height: normal;"><span style="background-color:

yellow;">Passenger ships</span> have more than 12 passengers.</span>

If you set this HTML as initial value for the property then it will render as 
you want it.


> 2)      Is it possible to have more than one domain property annotated

> with summernote in one page/Domain object?


Sure. There is no limit in the number of Summernote editors in the page.


> Med vennlig hilsen / Best regards,

> Marianne Hagaseth

> Forsker - Maritime transportsystemer

> Research Scientist - Maritime Transport Systems


> MARINTEK (Norsk Marinteknisk Forskningsinstitutt AS)

> Address:  POB 4125 Valentinlyst, NO-7450 Trondheim, Norway

> Mobile:   +47 90 95 64 69 -  Phone: +47 464 15 000

> Web:       



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