Hi Erik,

I think you could achieve this by also replacing the default table
component [1] (as well as registering your own), with your replacement of
the default returning DOES_NOT_APPLY for those domain objects that
implement your sortable interface.


[1] http://isis.apache.org/guides/ugvw.html#_how_to_replace_a_component

On 30 March 2016 at 07:55, Erik de Hair <e.deh...@pocos.nl> wrote:

> That's right, Kevin.
> I was trying to add it to an Isis add on but I haven't tested that. In the
> meantime the code is on Github, though. [1]
> The Sortable-interface for the row-items is in [2]. The component factory
> for the table is in [3].
> Right now I get views "Table","Sortable" and "Hide" for the table but I
> don't want the "Table"-view as a possible view for a table implementing the
> Sortable-interface.
> Thanks,
> Erik
> [1] https://github.com/erikdehair/isis-module-editrank
> [2]
> https://github.com/erikdehair/isis-module-editrank/blob/master/dom/src/main/java/nl/pocos/applib/editrank/Sortable.java
> [3]
> https://github.com/erikdehair/isis-module-editrank/tree/master/webapp/src/main/java/nl/pocos/wicket/ui/components/collectioncontents/ajaxtable
> On 03/29/2016 09:23 PM, Kevin Meyer wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Erik is asking how to suppress all but a specific "view" for a table, one
>> that is picked up from the interface implemented by the items in the
>> collection.
>> Cheers,
>> Kevin
>> On 29 March 2016 19:26:59 CEST, Jeroen van der Wal <jer...@stromboli.it>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Erik,
>>> I've read your question multiple times but can't envision what you're
>>> trying to accomplish. Can you perhaps elaborate with some code?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Jeroen
>>> On 29 March 2016 at 16:50, Erik de Hair <e.deh...@pocos.nl> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>> I've created a new collection view for sorting/re-ranking items in a
>>> table
>>>> where the items implement a certain interface. The table is rendered
>>> in the
>>>> correct way and the sorting works. Is it possible to suppress the
>>> default
>>>> table view for tables containing items implementing the before
>>> mentioned
>>>> interface so the view can't be selected anymore from the drop down?
>>>> Met vriendelijke groet,
>>>> *Erik de Hair*
>>>> Software Engineer | Pocos bv
>>>> Pocos gaat verhuizen! Per 29 maart is ons adres: Beemdstraat 1b, 5653
>>> MA
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