On 31 March 2016 at 21:19, Cesar Lugo <cesar.l...@sisorg.com.mx> wrote:

> Hello, I have installed our application using Apache Isis on a Google Cloud
> App Engine instance. It is working for the most part  J, only with some
> issues. On the browser's console, I get which seems to be due to the fact
> that google maps is called via http instead of https protocol, :

I imagine it should be possible to configure this component to use either
http or https; it certainly ought to support that.

Only trouble is I can imagine it'll take a while to reproduce.   Do you
have any setup notes that you could share that would help a GAE noob like
me get to the same point that you are at?

> JQMIGRATE: Logging is active
> simple.Business:0:1 Mixed Content: The page at
> '
> https://8080-dot-2049980-dot-devshell.appspot.com/wicket/entity/simple.Busi
> ness:0' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script
> 'http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?v=3&sensor=false'. This request has
> been
> blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
> jquery-migrate-1.2.1-ver-1459440935000.js:41 JQMIGRATE:
> jQuery.fn.attr('checked') may use property instead of attribute
> jquery-migrate-1.2.1-ver-1459440935000.js:43 console.trace()migrateWarn @
> jquery-migrate-1.2.1-ver-1459440935000.js:43
> wicket-gmap-ver-1459440935000.js:76 Uncaught ReferenceError: google is not
> defined
> The second issue is that whenever I try to click on an action button that
> is
> displayed within a collection's header, it does not work. Other action
> buttons work fine, but most or all the ones that are within the collection
> header do not work, just don't do anything, and do not send any error to
> the
> browser's console, and there is no activity on the network monitor of the
> browser when I click the action button.
> Any Ideas?
This one sounds rather odd, but I wonder if this is only for collections
that also have a gmap3 representation?  If so, it might be that the
aforementioned broken gmap rendering is also messing up the requests in the
header.  My recollection is that the buttons in the header will be in some
form, and it's possible that the form extends to and includes the gmap
component (even if hidden).

So, the question is: if you remove gmap3 completely from the app, are the
buttons still broken?


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