Hi Dan, thanks for the advice!

We have a multiple stages for our system (Dev PC, DEV, INT, PROT),  the
context root value changes - at least between developer pc and deployment
on Tomcat.

Developer PC:
No context root since running with embedded jetty - no adaptations needed
for swagger-ui/index.html and web.xml

There is a context root e.g. "simpleapp" - adaptations needed in
and web.xml

Any idea how to make that configurable so that swagger works in both cases?


2016-05-17 1:10 GMT+02:00 Dan Haywood <d...@haywood-associates.co.uk>:

> Ah, I remember this issue.
> It turns out that it does work, so long as you deploy the webapp as
> ROOT.war.
> The issue is the path to the swaggerService does not resolve correctly when
> running as anything other than the root app.
> I did manage to figure out the hacks though if you really do want to deploy
> under "simpleapp":
> 1. in swagger-ui/index.html, add in "/simpleapp" to the paths for the
> input_baseUrl selector:
>                 <select id="input_baseUrl" name="baseUrl" style="height:
> 26px;">
>                     <option id="private" label="private"
> value="/simpleapp/restful/swagger/private"/>
>                     <option id="public" label="public"
> value="/simpleapp/restful/swagger/public"/>
>                     <option id="prototyping" label="prototyping"
> value="/simpleapp/restful/swagger/prototyping"/>
>                 </select>
> 2. in web.xml, allow access through to that path:
>         <filter-name>IsisSessionFilterForRestfulObjects</filter-name>
>         ...
>         <init-param>
>             <param-name>passThru</param-name>
>             <param-value>/simpleapp/restful/swagger</param-value>
>         </init-param>
> Less than ideal, but it is *only* a developer tool, so perhaps sufficient?
> Maybe just an update to the docs will suffice?
> Cheers
> Dan
> On 16 May 2016 at 10:17, Dan Haywood <d...@haywood-associates.co.uk> wrote:
> > Ok, thanks for reporting, I'll take a look hopefully this evening.
> >
> > Dan.
> > On 16 May 2016 10:02 am, "Vladimir Nišević" <vnise...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Based on discussion in https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ISIS-1358 I
> > think I've found an issue, but I cannot create new JIRA issue any more -
> > seems the issue creation policy has been changed, so I am sending the
> issue
> > on this way.
> >
> > *Steps to reproduce:*
> >
> > 1. Create archetype as described in guide
> > *mvn archetype:generate \*
> > *-D archetypeGroupId=org.apache.isis.archetype \*
> > *-D archetypeArtifactId=simpleapp-archetype \*
> > *-D archetypeVersion=1.12.1 \*
> > *-D groupId=com.mycompany \*
> > *-D artifactId=myapp \*
> > *-D version=1.0-SNAPSHOT \*
> > *-B*
> >
> > 2. execute "*mvn clean package"*
> >
> > 3. deploy simpleapp.war to external tomcat, eg. thru tomcat manager
> webapp
> > and call swagger WebUI*
> > http://localhost:8080/simpleapp/swagger-ui/index.html
> > <http://localhost:8080/simpleapp/swagger-ui/index.html> *
> >
> > *Error*: Can't read swagger JSON from
> > http://localhost:8080/restful/swagger/public
> >
> > It seems that the service
> > org.apache.isis.core.metamodel.services.swagger.SwaggerServiceDefault is
> > not recognized.
> >
> > [image: Inline-Bild 2]
> >
> >

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