
I want to suggest that the 1.12.1 release is not currently of production
quality and that a decision should be made by the development team as to
how to address that.

Maybe there is a case for consolidation of 1.12 before release of 1.13 or
else a recommendation to skip 1.12 and help with 1.13 release testing?

There is a significant issue ISIS-1396 [1] that has been resolved in
1.13.0-SNAPSHOT, this is my primary concern. I was going to say to users
just refresh the page to see the link titles, but I have discovered another
known issue ISIS-1132 [2] that seems to me quite serious, where datetimes
don't display correctly after updates.

Also, I've now found a similar bug to 1132, where I created a mass-update
action (after the edit mode discussion), but this doesn't work as some
property values (strings not datetimes) are not updated correctly in the
viewer. This is quite bizarre and I was sure I had an problem in my code,
but I cannot find one. Updates require a database lookup, which may explain.

Hoping this not taken as criticism.


[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ISIS-1396
[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ISIS-1132

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