Thanks Deacon and Cesar for sharing your adventures.

I agree that it can be a bumpy road sometimes but good to hear the
framework will take you places. Your contributions can smoothen the path
for future explorers.



On 15 July 2016 at 19:32, Andre Venter <> wrote:

> Well done Deacon!
> On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 7:27 PM, César Camilo Lugo Marcos <
>> wrote:
> > Deacon,
> >
> > What a great summary, congratulations!
> >
> > I want to take the opportunity to add some stuff:
> >
> > More great stuff:
> > - We have tested our Apache ISIS application in an AWS cloud load
> > balanced environment including some level of volume concurrency testing.
> > So far so good. We are expecting to have millions of users, and so far
> > it looks like, with proper load balancing and fail-over, it will do the
> > job.
> >
> > - We are using it in conjunction with mobile applications leveraging the
> > flexibility and automation of N.O. restful services. It's just amazing
> > how it simplifies RESTful services consumption in a mobile environment,
> > particularly the ability to "join" results with the xo prefix.
> >
> > More wish list:
> > - Mutable collections grids in the wicket viewer.
> > - Image collections shown as images.
> > - Configurable UI filters by domain entities, allowing to filter by
> > multiple attributes, with multiple types of filters (radio, range,
> > boolean condition).
> > - More business needs oriented add-ons, particularly if they follow
> > industry-standards through the use of ontologies. So far the ones
> > available are more technical, and they do a great job, like maps, audit
> > and multi-tenant.
> >
> > I think the RO domain model and the restful services are quite mature
> > and powerful, and the wicket viewer is a little behind but evolving in
> > the right direction. Also, Dan mentioned that eventually they will add
> > some more powerful viewers, which sounds quite exciting!.
> >
> > César.
> >
> > On Fri, 2016-07-15 at 18:11 +0200, Deacon Frost wrote:
> > > I successfully delivered my first "real" Apache Isis application today
> --
> > > YAY!! -- and would like to share my experience.
> > >
> > > My background: I am a reasonably experienced developer proficient in
> > custom
> > > application development in C#, Java, Javascript, Python etc. but never
> > > touched Apache Isis nor Apache Wicket nor DataNucleus before, my Java
> > chops
> > > are a bit rusty and I am a complete Maven noob.
> > >
> > > I have been following NakedObjects since the early 2000's and am quite
> > > intrigued by its philosophy and promises but never mad the "plunge" to
> > > actually implement a project for a client with it. I checked out Apache
> > > Isis on and off (hey, I even bought and enjoyed Dan's book in 2009 or
> so)
> > > but - without wanting to sound blasé - the UI was never quite up to my
> > > taste (the .NET-Version was even worse). But the recent changes to the
> > look
> > > and feel of the Bootstrap Wicket interface made me confident to finally
> > be
> > > able to "sell" it to clients.
> > >
> > > The target application is - in a nutshell - an internal web-application
> > for
> > > a government department to define and configure traffic webcams
> (~1000),
> > > locate them interactively on a map, display their latest images, link
> > them
> > > to their road network data etc. Nothing too complex but the right size
> to
> > > try something new, I guess.
> > >
> > > The great:
> > > I implemented a working prototype of the application in under a
> week(!),
> > > which already looked very polished and had lots of "bells and
> whistles",
> > > like a Google Maps interface, display of live images, Excel-export,
> > > auditing-service, REST-interface etc.. The client was positively
> > surprised
> > > by the polished looks and richness of features and went for it. So,
> > within
> > > two weeks after that I was able to implement the complete application,
> > > reusing most of the work implemented in the prototype.
> > >
> > > I had to implement two Isis wicket components:
> > > - Display of a map (Locatable) based on OpenStreetMap:
> > >  I had trouble getting the Google map interface to work in the client's
> > > environment. It kept complaining about application keys etc. and wasn't
> > > usable at all. Thanks to the "wicket stuff" implementation of
> openlayers3
> > > and a shameless "raid" of Dan's gmap3-isis-component I was able to
> build
> > an
> > > openlayers3-isis-component myself, despite my utter isis/wicket
> > noob-ness.
> > > - Display of static image resources:
> > >  The "standard" Blob-interface didn't cut it for me because it only
> > > displays a thumbnail image (which was even of a bigger byte size and
> > lower
> > > resolution than the original) of an image resource from memory/db. I
> was
> > > able to build an Isis ExternalImageUrl-component by copying much of the
> > > Blob/Clob-component but using static URLs, which works flawlessly for
> > > displaying the original images based on an "ExternalImageUrl"-Property
> of
> > > the entity.
> > >
> > > (Once the dust has settled I want to contribute the openlayers3- and
> > static
> > > image components. Maybe one of you guys can provide me with a little
> > > guidance how to set that up...)
> > >
> > > I had some minor questions that got answered instantly by Dan and Co on
> > the
> > > mailing list. Thanks again!
> > >
> > > The ability to define aspects of the interface in the XML-layout files
> is
> > > great (despite some minor quirks with the translation)! Studying the
> > > TodoApp helps a lot in this regard.
> > >
> > > The not-so-great:
> > >
> > > I think the code base is still quite dynamic, which is good in a way
> > > because it gets actively developed (does Dan ever sleep? ;)) but it's
> > also
> > > difficult for a noob to jump in. I happened to work with the sources
> > right
> > > before the 1.12.2 release which had some annoying "surface" bugs and in
> > > 1.13-SNAPSHOT some subtleties of the Isis-components implementation
> > already
> > > changed.
> > > I18ln:
> > > There are lots of labels hard-coded in English (I'm looking at you:
> > > bookmarks-display, list pager, signin fields, excel download etc.)
> which
> > > can be a real show stopper for certain clients in certain locales
> > (France,
> > > Germany, ...). Plus, if you want to fix these kinds of errors you need
> to
> > > understand the Wicket-way of doing this plus the way Isis goes about it
> > as
> > > well. And then do it for the contribs also. Surprisingly complex for a
> > > beginner even if they are by themselves all just small trivial fixes.
> > > Documentation:
> > > All in all the documentation is great and better than much of the other
> > > stuff out there, but a lot of details are missing to really understand
> > the
> > > concepts behind value objects, enum types, facets, objects not
> > originating
> > > from a database and the like.
> > > Furthermore, there is not a lot of info or "hand holding" about how to
> > take
> > > an application from prototyping to production. I had to spend a lot of
> > time
> > > figuring out how to get a jetty runner working with an "uberjar" in
> > > headless mode as a service with "external" configuration (the internal
> > Isis
> > > Server didn't work for me at all, but that might also just due to my
> > > inexperience).
> > >
> > > Wish list:
> > > - Better out-of-the-box handling of the display of external/static
> > > resources (Images, IFrames(!) etc.)
> > > - A component for pageable display of entity collections in a grid
> > > - A tree component
> > >
> > > All in all I definitely see Apache Isis as a great and clean way of
> doing
> > > these kinds of applications and I want to encourage people to just try
> it
> > > out for a project and see for themselves -- IMHO it's quite low risk
> and
> > > lots of fun!, especially if you can go with the existing components. It
> > > gives me quite a bit of confidence that even adding substantial new
> > > functionality - once you get the model right - just works. (Guess I'm
> > > preaching to the choir here here anyway ;)
> > >
> > > Cheers and a have a great weekend,
> >
> >

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