> Why does Apache ISIS use DataNucleus over Hibernate, despite hibernate being 
> faster than datanucleus

While it is very much for Apache ISIS team members to decide what they use (or 
provide access to) and why, and I'm not part of that process, I will reply 
however due to the "statement" made above.

Disclaimer : I am a developer of DataNucleus, and its predecessor (JPOX).

Over the years I've seen various "X is faster than Y" statements. In terms of 
DataNucleus, we have had people using alpha releases of DataNucleus and 
comparing against production releases of Hibernate, people making zero effort 
to configure DataNucleus compared with using their experience in configuring 
Hibernate, and people just taking overall end-to-end timings and paying no 
attention to what is actually being performed in terms of correctness, and so 

1. The time taken to persist and retrieve data will almost never be a 
bottleneck in any application, particularly when compared to RDBMS speed, 
network latency, and other factors. As a result, technical correctness ought to 
be the most important factor.
2. DataNucleus has been demonstrated to be as fast or faster than Hibernate in 
many situations, when you bother to configure it.
3. DataNucleus has its own set of extension features that Hibernate does not 
provide (just like Hibernate has some that it thinks are important).
4. DataNucleus supports way more databases than Hibernate.
5. DataNucleus supports more APIs than Hibernate
6. DataNucleus is provided under a less restrictive license than Hibernate

Cast a glance over 

At the end of the day, there are many persistence solutions out there and the 
developer has a great choice available to them and, whatever they use, they 
should be able to develop good products. Just please don't come up with some 
incorrect statement to justify your choice for which you want to use.

DataNucleus (Web: http://www.datanucleus.org   Twitter: @datanucleus)

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