If using just annotations, then (IIRC) you also need to specify
@MemberGroupLayout to declare where the other groups should go.

However, I suggest you use layout.xml instead... more flexible (supports
tab groups for example) and can dynamically update while the app is running.


On Tue, 14 Feb 2017 at 19:57 L Eder <eder200...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Dan:
> I would like help in two things:
> 1-
> to have two groups - General, and Details - of properties for my
> object Component, using @MemberOrder, however what i am getting is all
> them under the single default group General.
> 2-
> Would like to fill-in all the properties, when creating, however only
> Description is editable.
> Please give some help, Eder
> "
> public class Component implements Comparable<Component> {
>     @MemberOrder(name="General", sequence="1")
>     @Column(allowsNull = "false")
>     @Property()
>     @Getter @Setter
>     private String description;
>     // region > part number (property)
>     @MemberOrder(name="General", sequence="2")
>     @Column(allowsNull = "true")
>     @Getter @Setter
>     private String partNumber;
>     // endregion
>     // region > first date, last date (property)
>     @MemberOrder(name="General", sequence="3")
>     @Column(allowsNull = "true")
>     @Getter @Setter
>     private LocalDate firstDate;
>     @MemberOrder(name="General", sequence="4")
>     @Column(allowsNull = "true")
>     @Getter @Setter
>     private LocalDate lastDate;
>     //endregion
>     // region >
>     @Column(allowsNull = "true")
>     @MemberOrder(name="Details", sequence="1")
>     @Getter @Setter
>     private String category;
>     @Column(allowsNull = "true")
>     @MemberOrder(name="Details", sequence="2")
>     @Getter @Setter
>     private String origin;
>     // endregion
>     //region > compareTo, toString
>   ....
> "

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