Thanks Kevin,
I guess I was looking for something like deep clone using serialization rather 
than detach-clone-persist and so on through the object graph. Being lazy ;)

    On Tuesday, 14 March 2017 4:07 PM, "" <> 

 Hi David,

Did you find a solution?

Just a question: Why would you not use a standard service action to 
create the copy? Is there any reason why you want Datanucleus to do it?

Personally, I would try and use a service that creates a copy of the 
current records and updates the public reference instance to always 
point to the latest (perhaps use a Proxy, for example - and another 
administrative view that displays the full set of changes over time).


On 2017-03-08 06:05, David Tildesley wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a need to keep public records and to be able to edit objects
> and put them through a publishing lifecycle whilst public can view the
> current record without seeing the changes.
> Temporal object pattern [1] seems like the simplest pattern.
> Then it comes down to how hard or easy it is to simply  copy a
> components entire object graph to make a new version (don't really
> care about the duplication of data that hasn't change from version to
> version).
> Datanucleus has some support for coping an object graph from one
> repository to another - I assume you can copy to the same repository
> to achieve what I want to do.
> Krypo [2] seems like it is being used by Datanucleus.
> Anyways - how to do this with ISIS? Any suggestions appreciated.
> Some context:
> A Building (component)  has a current FireSafetyCertification
> (component) and is published as a public record and these records are
> kept for 10 years. A change to a record that is viewable by the public
> is regarded as a new public record. Overtime (slowly) these
> FireSafetyCertificates may expire/withdrawn/change in detail. But when
> they are published they constitute a public record. Building has
> names, addresses, images, parts, construction details, etc. whilst
> FireSafetyCertification has documents, exemption notices, expiry dates
> etc. 
> Using the Temporal Object pattern, a Building object has 1..*
> BuildingVersion and all of the Building's detail hangs off
> BuildingVersion. 
> Any other suggestions instead of Temporal Object pattern also 
> appreciated.
> [1] 
> [2]
> Thanks!
> David.


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