Dan, Johan & Jeroen

Many thanks for organizing IsisCon 2017. I learned a lot and met many cool people. Many thanks also for the people like Eric who showed their Isis-Apps and the ones who were prepared to show something but couldn't like Hessel, etc. Also many thanks to Mark from ECP for this wonderful boat trip through Amsterdam. This insight is faboulous!


PS: I guess the topic list would have been good for half a day more conferencing ;-)

Am 01.05.2017 um 02:17 schrieb Jeroen van der Wal:
Dear Apache Isis friends,

We are happy to announce the second edition of IsisCon, a free and open
conference dedicated to Apache Isis. This edition will be held on June 9
and 10 2017 in Amsterdam and is a unique opportunity to meet other
community members and discuss the future of Apache Isis.

We highly value your attendance but we also want participation! We'll run
the conference as an open conference and self-organise the sessions at the
beginning of each day. Feel free to propose talks, discussion subjects or
whatever you feel should be covered during in the conference. Some ideas:
- Show and tell: demonstrate the apps that you have built
- Developer happiness: how to evolve the programming model
- Housecleaning: removing stuff that nobody uses
- Evolution of the persistence layer: JDO, JPA, Hibernate
- Viewer forecast: Vaadin, AngularJs, Web Components
- Other languages: using Kotlin for apps, for the framework or for scripting
- Java 9: Jigsaw, modules
- From code to consumer: CI/CD, Containers, Docker
- Patterns: Naked Objects, DCI, Aspects, Contributed services, Mixins
- Integration patterns: Commands, events, auditing, Apache Camel
- Security: Shiro vs Keycloak
- Documentation: the power of asciidoc

Friday 9 June: Attendees arrive in Amsterdam and get together in the
afternoon at the Incode office, Herengracht 448. Leave for drinks and
dinner around 18:00.
Saturday 10 June: Conference day starts at 9:00 with coffee and last
possibility to submit sessions. Sessions start at 9:30 and we wrap up the
conference at 17:00
Sunday 11 June: For those who plan to stay in Amsterdam on Sunday we are
hosting a family friendly canal tour.

Incode office, Herengracht 448

Attendance is free and we'll provide free coffee, tea, water and sodas on
the conference day.

Conference Hotel:
We are working on a group discount for a hotel, will announce that shortly.

Looking forward to see you all in Amsterdam!

Dan, Johan & Jeroen

Disclaimer: The Apache Software Foundation has no affiliation with and does
not endorse, or review the materials provided at this event. We have
notified trademarks@a.o about this event.

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